Why we don't have successful Omen players at championships? Does Omen really needs buffs?

yeah right behind Maria :sunglasses: I will put him just after fulgore , I see it like that NĀ°1 MARIA and fulgore then omen /jago then Mira.

you know omen better than us, so donā€™t try to fool us, yes he do, but imo its a choice to finish with the damage ender or not, at least he got the toll for it.[quote=ā€œMnTLetalis, post:16, topic:21386ā€]
Heā€™s a character with pretty much every tool and not really any losing matchups. While having a lot of winning fights to boot
he donā€™t have much bad MU but he has to work alots for win , but it paid at least. A very bad matchup since S3 for omen = GLACIUS :relieved: since he got 3 ice cream balls for your pleasure sire ahhahahahah
yeah when the iceman is playing a correctly like a real zoner its really difficult for omen to get in. en even if he get in just heavy cold shoulder for escape from him when he jump to you .

I think its normal that these characters are not much used, because they are not so easy to use and not no brain at all, if you play yolo with one of these characters it wil be obvious, then you can lose very quickly, surely with aria

Glacius doesnā€™t beat omen.


mine well bro all I do is zoning against omen player then you have to take the risk to get clos to me till I heavy puddle punch you for free behind yo balls lol #behindyoballs :joy:, when can we make a set please I need to get better with MARIA AND GLACIUS vs yo RAAM AGANOS AND OMEN

You are playing dumb omen players. Omen is not free against glacius. Lol.

maybe ima playing dumb omen, I m gonna lmist then all when im home lol :grin: , jk

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Against omenā€™s who donā€™t know how to do anything to fly in. Its actually the opposite. Omen is the one who can play lame as hell and force Glacius to go in and take chances. He skated around hail with ease and shadow orda shield prevents any ranged limbs from working. Plus his dp is virtually useless against omen since heā€™s easy to cross up.

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Also throwing out hails in neutral is a terrible idea against omen. Itā€™s a free slide punish from him on reaction and his own fireballs will often destroy them.


When I fight spinal,tj, orchid, tusk, sabrewulf, shin hisako, or abiter Iā€™m not doing much work at all with omen. Those fights get very easy for him and a couple of those are among the most lopsided fights in the game. He has other fights he wins as well such as thunder. Though these arenā€™t as clear cut.


You still gotta show me that corner tech you have been brewing. We also need to have a proper set soon so you can mop the floor with me again.

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As to the other stuff, if you say so dude. All the hordes of Fulgore players from S2 who consistently made Top 8ā€™s and the legions of Ariaā€™s not named Sleep prove your point beyond doubt. :expressionless:

There are many reasons not to play a character. Style incompatibilities, skill ceiling/floor, straight damage versus reset potential - these are all factors that go into why people play who they play, to say nothing of aesthetic or visual preferences.

@MariusStriker Basically, the reason I and many others say Omen is strong is because he has fantastic tools to control the pace of the fight. Low damage matters a lot less when a character has a good chance of simply winning the next exchange in neutral, and Omen is well equipped to do precisely that. He canā€™t necessarily do it at lower to intermediate levels of play, but at high level, he is incredibly difficult to lock down on approach.


These discussions are always loaded because everyone either plays as a character or plays against them. None of us are truly disinterested third parties.

The OPā€™s question was why are ther no Omen players making it to top 8 in tournaments. I think itā€™s kind of a false premise. If everyone sticks with one character, there will be 19 characters not in top 8 - assuming there are no duplicates. So why Omen isnā€™t there doesnā€™t require any special explanation.

As to whether Omen is top 3, top 5 or bottom 5, I think people obsess over this too much. The implication is always ā€œif your character is great but you lose, then you must be a bad player.ā€ But thatā€™s basically bullshit. I think Omen is a strong character but he is difficult to use. @FallofSeraphs76 and I are of roughly equivalent skill in my opinion and based on our previous matches. But I canā€™t even begin to do the stuff with Omen that he does. And remember we are talking about KI. Every character is dirty AF - especially if you donā€™t know the matchup.

So sure, thereā€™s value in discussing these things but definitely people need to keep it relaxed.

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Also another mentality people get locked into too often unfortunately


I am not talking about just tournament players changing just because a character got a buff. I am talking about players in general. I have no idea what pros play what characters, and to be honest, I donā€™t care. I care about the players I see and fight. It is a fact that everytime a different tier list comes out, the characters I fight reflect that. Just like how I will fight a bunch of Eagle for 2 weeks after his release. If you would like me to be more civil in the future donā€™t act like a child -coughnoneedtobeacompletedouchbagcough

-shrug- Honestly, Iā€™m just tired of arguing with people who arenā€™t just wrong or mistaken, but who belabor under assumptions that simply arenā€™t true. Glacius never got a S3 damage buff, counter breakers do in fact work, Fulgore is still good, and any other number of things people like to assert in spite of any and all evidence to the contrary.

But Iā€™ve answered TCā€™s question to the best of my ability, so Iā€™m done here. Feel free to persist under whatever mistaken ideas you have. :thumbsup:



But the topic is about tournaments, soā€¦


:joy::joy: like they arenā€™t popular.b there are more kim wu players than omen players though.

This is true! You know the number is low when I get tagged as a known Omen player! lol

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At least your known for it, here I am forgottenā€¦ now I know how omen feels like lol.