Why? (Retro shorts complaint thread)

Just want to point out that Kevin didn’t do the retros for season 1, would’ve been awesome if he did though. His redesigns in season 2 were awesome

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Yet they don’t treat the males the same.

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the shorts yea but thats not why the knee guards are there. the default costumes doesnt have knee gaurds, just the stockings.

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Tusk is showing more then Sadira?

How so?

I’m genuinely curious, because Tusk in general -retro and current-, plus the total overhaul of Retro*Thunder suggests otherwise to me.

Pretty much they do not want to over sexualize the women but the men are free

Makes no sense

What " makes no sense " …

How sensitive people are these days.

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Yeah it’s ridiculous and really worrisome.

Do not feed the troll.

I say treat them equally in the sexy department.

I kinda like Kim wu’s retro. The only problem I have is the knee pads, but they aren’t that big a deal.

Yea i agree i just dont feel like IG are doing that at all.

Lol, Stripper Fight!!

looks at tusk…looks at retro maya. i don’t see the inequality

And that literally is the only example that actually works.

Edit: I guess you can compare Riptor and Rash but when it comes to the human characters Tusk and maya are the only ones on equal grounds when it comes to sexuality other then that males are favored.

Then look at Kim Wu, See if that helps.

It’s the same freaking costume!

Take away Sadiras hoody and arm blades (which in terms of the current discussion are irrelevant) and it’s the same costume. Mind you Kim Wus retro has fishnet stockings instead of sheared stockings but are they really that different.

Don’t even get me started on retro Orchid. All I will say is my argument for her boils down to 1 point, either lower the boots to knee high or change the body suit to the KI2 version.

Come on people, MK did a beautiful job with their retro costumes, why are we getting stiffed.


Holy crap it is!!

…hmm…wonder why nobody ever noticed that before?