Why I don't Want Any More Seasons

Cool pic of Juri.

Ibuki looks like Dobby the House Elf. In the same engine.

No sane person looking for valid and workable feedback obtains it from trolls memeing in Twitch chat, by the way.

Yes, “Kim’s face is ugly” is a meme. Pretty sure it’s your meme.

I also doubt this was ever actually a thing. I’m sure some people said such things, but if it was a face that decided whether or not the game was worth trying, they likely weren’t interested in the first place. There is this wild misconception that all opinions are equal and valid… thing is, in the real world, they aren’t. That’s a myth that propagates itself on the internet.

I recall reading somewhere that the difficulties with the Hex engine are behind the lack of updates to the Training Mode, in which case… I’d really like for them to be able to update the Training Mode. It’s pretty much the most important resource in the game. I’m not saying the necessity of better Training functionality means we need a sequel to achieve it, and a sequel would be shot to the foot in yr.3 (maybe not in yr.5 or yr.7)… I just wanted to take an opportunity to remind everyone of #BUFFPRACTICEMODE

But seriously, without significantly growing the fanbase, does anyone think trying to re-hype the release of Jago and Fulgore is a viable marketing strategy?

Yo, Sonya Blade looks like HonkeyTonk Rupaul.