Who's that "Oh no, not again" character to you?

Thunder is a real pain, hits very hard and his sky fall shenanigans are really, really annoying, totally grounding myself as Maya to deal with his nonsense makes fighting him not much fun, at least for me personally. Glacius has access to far too much really good stuff and seems like he needs reigning in just a little, I don’t hate fighting him too much, though.

Shago is just plain annoying, how fast he can spam fireballs, his teleport shenanigans, slide and stupid “finishing” move (that most players pull out mid round because YOLO) just all get on my nerves far more than they rationally should.

I think I could adapt to fight Shago better if he didn’t annoy every fibre of my being with his stupid emo persona and move set that seems to have been strung together from a meeting where someone on the dev team asked “what’s the most annoying set of moves we could possibly give to a single character?” and voila, Jago’s edgier douche-biscuit of an alter-ego was born, not that I’m bitter or anything…