Who should return for KI4 and who should take a break?

I’ll take a transformer based off arcee. Make it happen.

Aria’s retro has a pink color that makes her look fairly similar to Arcee.

I feel all the Classics and Newbies have a shot of making it back into potential sequels. The guests can probably be left out. As cool as they are to play as, Arby and Rash don’t really add a whole lot to the universe, so unless there’s a canonical reason for them to stay there’s no real need.

Granted, I don’t think this game’s losing steam any time soon. Drip feeding updates into games seems to be a quite lucrative business model in the industry. TF2, LoL, WoW, DOTA 2, CS:GO, Minecraft, and KI have all been good examples of how it can work well since they’ve managed to keep on going for years after release thanks to constant post launch support. If I remember right, Ken Lobb said they’ll probably be able to keep adding content to KI until the next console generation.

Funny thing about that. Her default outfit has a a very similair color scheme to arcee’s. Which I love. <3 It’s glorious.

In Cinder’s case, totally useleSs. Cause the embers were still visible. Honestly it was just dumb. Hell, in fighting games as a whole, invisibility is stupid. As reptile you’re not gonna where you are when you turn invisible nor will your opponent. In games were spacing is crucial and it’s not played from the players POV invisibility is just plain stupid.

EDIT: Also…WOW! I’ve never expected so many reasonbly civil replies. Everyone is actually placing in thi topic without insulting each other (yet).

Then again this community’s a million times better than some others.So that should be expected. We may have our whack-jobs but at least we can expect some individuals we know here to be reasonable when they make their points.

Either that…or maybe trouble only comes out when you’re expecting it.

You’re dead to me.


Everyone from KI-1 and KI-2 though Gargos might be dead.

Any new characters could be someone like Aganos

I also disagree with you on Riptor Vlad, as Riptor should make a come back. She is unique among the roster.

No guests should return.

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Honestly, I hate questions like this. Why not just bring everyone back, but make characters that are not important in the story just not appear in the story mode? (That way they are still playable for versus and all that)

I think it’s a waste to create characters and then just leave them out the next game.

That’s just my opinion.

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I have to disagree. Except for Aria (I wouldn’t miss her at all) I really like the other characters you mentioned. Hisako is so well designed and has one of the best animations set of the cast, she deserves to stick around. On shago I would be neutral, I think he’s cool but nothing else. Aganos is very interesting and unique, I only don’t like the peacemaker… I think it looks very silly.

I don’t feel to have the right to choose who stays and who goes, but I can name a few characters I wouldn’t miss or I think don’t fit the game’s overall tone. So here’s my list:

RASH - He’s just too silly looking, too much cartoony, looks like he doesn’t belong to KI’s universe.

ARIA - I just wouldn’t miss her, she’s not memorable in my opinion. There’s only room for one robot in KI ^^

SHAGO - I like him but I guess he should have a story driven reason to be around. Assuming KI4 story is a sequel he should be gone right?

OMEN - Same story reasons, also I think he just looks bad, he looks like a patchworked character. I like his gameplay design, I just don’t like him as a character. They should just have a new real character with a similar moveset:P

GARGOS - if he dies at the end of this game:P

Shhhhhh! Don’t jinx it!

Why cut characters in the first place? The work is done and the assets are there. Why waste them on a trivial decision?

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I don’t see why Hisako can’t return to KI4, she is arguably the most popular female character in the current cast. Just look at how many people cosplay as her. I see more Hisako cosplays online then I do any female character in the cast. She is way to popular of a character not to return In KI4


Indeed. And I’m pretty sure that she also has the most fanart of the 2013 cast too (the classic costumes of the old characters don’t count I mean their new costumes).

Seriously Deviantart and Tumblr LOVE her.


Because hisako is bae


I’m golden, if I have Wulf, Thunder, Hisako, and Aganos.

I’d like to see Zitz instead of Rash mostly because Zitz would likely lend himself to a more technical play style and probably would be a little less noisy.


Orchid Maya Jago Hisako Glacius Sabrewulf Thunder Kim Wu Kan Ra

Should not & absolutely not & some maybes

Rash Aganos Omen Shadow Jago Mira Combo Fulgore Spinal Gargos Riptor

Should not return are:

-Next guest character (Rhymes with General Sam)
-Any other possible guest characters imaginable

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I think Riptor should return personally.

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I still stick by my own opinion everyone currently in this game should return excluding guests.

Speaking for the dinosaurs lovers here. I imagine they might be getting Horizon zero dawn?

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