I have the same problem so far today I tried to run, and I tried all the ways to start but nothing, if what I have noticed that sometimes when I configure the screen of my PC, and the application of AMD I have noticed that reacts differently in each co Nfiguración, so far on STEAM does not work because if I install the version of MICROSOFT starts me but with a problem in which the game is very accelerated, everything is very fast. I leave information on my computer for some solution.
It’s works! The problem is asus sonic studio!
Is there an official or admin who can verify the files on that dropbox link by @LeopoldGoenits and @Elhazard82 are legit?
i am not taking the chance to download a virus. I read through this post a few months ago and again a few nights ago, multiple people said the drop box links didnt work for them and one said the files there also didnt work for them.
Im looking for an official solution to this problem and not download third party files, or if they are files that we already have on our machines just reconfigured to make the game work; i would appreciate a walk through on how i can reconfigure the files myself to get the game to work.
Sorry im soo sketched out by this solution.
Those files are only my config files after installation (1080p & Full screen) you can download those or not it is your decision. You can try deleting config files from KI folder and running it again or reinstalling the game.
And seems that cause of that white screen is if you use “Bordeless” mode those settings are set to full screen and second cause which i have seen is ultrawide resolution thats why those configs are set to 1080p
and sorry about my english. It is not my native language
I just installed KI with windows again and it works fine - But I dont want to use windows, I still want to use the steam version and uninstall the windows version.
So im looking in the root folder now where the windows version is installed but I dont see any of those files that are in your drop box, i searched the folder for a few of those files and none of them are being found.
I thought; “If i install the windows version and run the game > then go to its root directory then I should be able grab those files from there and put them in the Steam root folder for KI”,
But ofc the windows root folder doesnt have those files, do you know where windows could be hiding them or if they are files created only for the Steam version?
My biggest question ‘ofc’ that i know you cant answer, is why isnt microsoft and steam getting together and to get this issue resolved?
You would think the two biggest tech and game distribution companies would get an issue like this fixed pretty fast for one of the biggest fighting title remakes released…
I went ahead and tried those files and they did not work for me…
@developers , @snickerdoodle
But im gonna post a OneDrive link to my DxDiag here:
Usually files for games for windows are under “Documents” and you can’t mix those with windows version files … tried and didn’t work… Also windows version of KI doesn’t have these bugs ><; runs like a charm
I noticed that you have AMD cpu and Radeon GPU i have Intel and NVIDIA. So i would prefer you to try to reinstall the game again and run it in a fullscreen mode 1080p also i have noticed that sometimes it’s better to delete those old cfg files what i have in that package than overwrite those.
And also few of my friends had some problems with old radeon drivers with this game…
I hope this has any help to you and i am also wondering how come these haven’t been fixed yet O_O;
One noticeable thing: your displays native resolution is 1360x768 those files will put everything to 1080p
so i made you an config package with 720p resolution: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AtM9OOnfvX7hp5U-V2KKGTZswntwMA
Hope it helps