When does Season 3 Come Out? - Forum Game

I know what you all are thinking, and let me tell you this is not an announcement. This is me playing a little game to have some fun.

Season 3 is right around the corner. How long that corner is, though, is a mystery. We haven’t yet announced a release date outside of “March,” so this seems like the perfect time to strike up a little fun.

When do you think Season 3 of Killer Instinct will launch? Sound off. I will update the thread with guesses as we go along. 1 guess per person, and keep your answers strictly in date format. No edited comments allowed (I WILL SEE THEM!).

As a prize, I (will) have a few Season 3 codes to give out to the lucky winners. Guess the right date, win yourself Season 3. That simple. Side note - once a date has been filled with 5 entries, I will cap out the winners, You can still guess that date for bragging rights, but only the first 5 respondents will be awarded prizes.

Oh, and as a special bonus: If you guess the correct date, and the correct amount of characters that Season 3 will launch with, I will make sure to throw in a code for Shadow Jago, as well!

Ready? GO!

2/28 – HAMMER321 (3)
3/1 – MrxFlutterShy (5) // EnemyAI (5) // UncappedWheel82 // CrazyRob (4) // Bearcave05 (10) – CLOSED
3/3 – Samish02 (1) // Starrraver (4) //
3/4 – FabledScarab79 (6) // Draigh (5) // CRIS178 (4) // LemonHunter38 // ChadDGreat (4) – CLOSED
3/5 – DANECKBRE4KER (5) // Gakamor (3) // Jeffrey562 (6) //
3/6 – SithLordEDP (3) // EMPERORNIMROD (3) // HYPEBEAMx2 //
3/7 – HEVYDEVY82 (4) // R1stormrider // StarFyre2000 (4) // LoyalIceWolf (4) // Warfare7 (5) – CLOSED
3/8 – TimelessVisions (2) // EnderSkye (3) // NindaNindo (5) // MadClown2 (4) // JMarius (5) – CLOSED (TheBigK1 -
3/9 – shadowdemon006 (5) // GodtierMacho (4) //
3/10 – Painki11s (4) // TwoDogKnight (5) // Quarryking103 (5) // Trastin91 (5)
3/11 – Satsugaii (4) // AlienoticFreak (5) // fraxxz (3) // Tyzo (4) // WrathOfFulgore (3) – CLOSED
3/12 – Sloany117 (4) // LordSp1nal //
3/13 – Nightswipe0 (4) // JEFFRON27 (4)
3/14 – VergoVan (3) // SaltyInstinct (5) // BHswordsman09 (4) // FulMetalSnorlax (4) // UncannySilk (4) – CLOSED
3/15 – fenderflix (3) // educedvoid (5) // Woopay (4) // Dayv0 (5) // FallofSeraphs76 (3) – CLOSED
3/16 – darkfoxinvid (4) // DoobyDude23 (4) // Quancro (4) // shujinkodidier (5) // MasterZenek – CLOSED
3/17 – xHYACxDoD (5) // Sanguithal (4) // BlitherBarrel0 (4) // Timberwolf25 (4) // LASTPRIME – CLOSED
3/18 – xMrReadx (4) // Fwufikins // KevBones10 (3) // zerowhitemonkey (4) // DarthNos (3) – CLOSED
3/19 – SonicDolphin117 (4) //
3/20 – Whitetiger2k20 // PuutyCuuty (4) // solracmoster1 (6) // SweetGuitar5 (4) // Hotel_Maids (5) – CLOSED
3/21 – LordWebster901 (5) // Sphyn1x (3) // Zcythe (5) // SPINALDOOD (4) // Alejandroues (4) – CLOSED
3/22 – ULTRASUBZER0 (5) // Snakekillaz (5) // STORM179 (5) // SightlessKombat (3) // Kixmix (4) – CLOSED ( Khar00f - Archon879 - Iago407 - TheFawz
3/23 – TheNinjaOstrich (4) // DiagonalSpy07 (4) // VonHeds (4) // CMTrance (5) // elpanel0n (4) – CLOSED
3/24 – SteelFantasy (4) // xSkeletalx (4) // WandaMaximoff (4) // BigBadAndy (4) // KaliniuS (4) – CLOSED
3/25 – StarElite023 // Blade4693 (4) // xMasterStonex (15) // theGAME603 (4) // brotherairplane (5) – CLOSED
3/26 – mnieves1926 (4) // Sciencejoe (3) // Pomekdiz (4) // bobwhite (3) //
3/27 – Frodo54 (5)
3/28 – adymunrox (4) // Rolly2891 (4) // Zeybuccaneer (4) // BblackorchidD (4) // Filemoncio (4) – CLOSED
3/29 – LeoFerreis (5) // GalacticGeek // GreenHawk84 (4) // o0LeCoach0o (6) // CaseCake5625717 (4) – CLOSED
3/30 – RyuHayabusaX (5) // guillesick (3) // jsb2 //
3/31 – BoJima404 (5) // Fnrslvr (4) // BrrDub (4) // PoweeeWesley60 (6) //
4/1 – Sasuke99I //

(added in some extra days for you trolls)


For being first to guess I get +/- 5 days to my guess yes?


4 characters at launch

I’m gonna guess 3/16
And 4 characters at launch

April fools of course


March 29th with 5 characters.


Five characters

Even if I would win, I am happy to spend the same amount on KI again and again :blush:

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I will gracefully not be participating in this.



3/18, 4 characters

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#3/18 for Fwuf

It seems like a reasonable date to me. Lines up with the end of the bios (assuming they’re on schedule.)

Also, not a guess, but I have a question.
@rukizzel Will the S3 gift package include ALL the goodies (i.e Ultra Edition)?

3/4, with 6 characters. (I already have Shadow Jago)

3/25 is my guess

Congratulations in advance.

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March 25

Starting with 4 characters

March 25th

(15 chars)


March 21

5 characters

I know I already voted so I can’t change the date I picked but I just realized that one of the Battletoad’s (Zits) birthday is March 10th…just want to throw that out there :wink:


March 18th with 3 characters.

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March 24th with 4 characters

1 Character
March 3rd