What is Your "Uuugh" Character in KI?

Well, I can help you with all 3 matchup (especially the 1st).

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Ryu, he is always there and…Wait sorry wrong game


Aganos and Gargos. I know how to deal with them on paper, and I can practice against the AI just fine. But as soon as I get put up against someone who has an inkling of what to do, it’s an uphill battle. Give me someone who’s above average with them and my brain just goes “Does Not Compute” and dies. :joy:

Also, I’m probably the only one, but Kim Wu gives me a hell of a time. Maybe it’s because the only people I run into have been maining her practically since her reveal at KI World Cup and stuck with her both before and after her buffs, but when I run into a Kim player I can see how it ends.

Honorary mention to Jago because he’s just really solid

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Jago is my new “Uuugh” character… :frowning:

I can help you with the former… :smile:

Thanks for the offer, GG, but you’re part of the reason why I now accossiate the golem with pain (that’s a compliment, mind you). Between you and @Dayv0 I think I’ve developed geologicaphobia (I’m sure there’s a real term for Fear of Rocks but it’s late and using root words will have to do :stuck_out_tongue: )

Edit: the correct term is petraphobia, so I wasn’t entirely off base. Just used the wrong rock based prefix.


Used to be Kan-Ra but now it’s Gargos :cry:

Do you play rank at all? Cuz I never play against you although I would like to challenge your aganos someday.

Fulgore. Also Fulgore. And Fulgore :thumbsup:


Man, you really hate Fulgore… :open_mouth:

Seeing jago, shago, and orchid trigger me. Probably has to do with hoe much I come across them, or their extremely boring designs. Idk


I’ve since decided it’s actually Thunder, not enough people play as him so I’m not overly sure how to deal with any of his stuff. Generally when I’m matched against him it goes - make the wrong read, eat a tonne of damage, that command grab, I can quite literally never escape that, his overhead stuff seems to snuff any anti airs I might be planning, I just basically have no clue what to do and my options suddenly feel very limited indeed.

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Fulgore and Orchid

Yeah, I don’t know if this is a glitch but orchid command air grab is bull. I swear just occupying the same air space as her is close enough for an air grab even if your nowhere near her.


Her air grab is breakable.

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I don’t get grabed by her that much.

It’s mostly just I don’t know how to fight her.

I fight her much like everyone else. Beat her to a bloody stump


Only after a combo ender or special->juggle. Her recap air throw is unbreakable.

Probably Jago, Shago and Sadira though I like them as characters it’s just I see them so often it becomes repetitive sometimes.

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