What do I do when fighting a person who is new to the game?

In Ranked, I tend to play the same no matter what, however IF I do come across somebody who is new, I will use my second string (Jago, Spinal, Saberwulf) to get some practice. If I do use Sadira, I will try a lot of new tech that I’ve been working on.

If they turn out to be a smurf, I’ll destroy them, Gargamel style.

I agree with @SightlessKombat online stat tracking would be a fantastic idea. Combo Assist on the other hand. Eh I am still working that one out. I do hate the unpredictability it has and the fact that it encourages button mashing especially when your not in a killer vs killer ranked matchup some new players get away with the dumbest things and if the matches where best 2 out of 3 for all ranks then we could make adjustments and fine tune our play style against our opponents. I believe having more time to play against that one person would give good insight on how that person plays for example, myself, @SightlessKombat and @RGLOfficial where playing a few sets and the games become more and more competitve as time went on. If the best 2 out of 3 system was implemented in all ranks i could see some great matches come to life. and the climb to killer becoming a bit easier or harder depending on skill level.

If someone is a lower level than me, I’ll probably be a little nicer, but since I still haven’t reached Killer (or gotten out of “Master”/ Gold5) I’m still inclined to try to win.
After all, I’d beaten a Killer or 2 in my Silver Scrub era,so I can never be too careful.
Though general rule of thumb; if you’re gold or higher, you get the business.

With S3 out and loads of new players,I feel as if this topic is more important than ever. How do you suggest teaching someone?

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Take it easy on them I say, don’t let them disrespect you but don’t supreme/triple ultra them. Being bodied discourages a lot of people. :\

I just go ham most of the time. Sometimes I’ll switch to fulgore.

If I’m actually trying to teach someone (ie, I’m playing exhibition with a friend trying to learn the game), I will give them easily breakable combos and tell them to watch out for it. And I will intentionally lockout and get them used to converting more damage off of it. I will do strong shadow counterable strings to get them used to that mechanic.

If you’re just playing randoms online who you don’t want to discourage by beating them up too bad, but you don’t particularly care about teaching them the game, then I just go easy on them, but still beat them in the end. And if I accidentally lose by going easy, then whatever, it’s fine. The guy on the other end is probably a lot happier for winning than I would have been.


That’s nice actually! I’d like to see how your friend does! It’s interesting to see the process people go through to learn this game.

fighting noobs is more of a chore that fighting tough players.

The two times i qualified i fought killer/gold/silver ranked who destroyed me and made me watch 100+ hit ultras. At the first time, it thought “wow! This is amazing, cant wait till i learn how to do this”. By the second time, I have started to realize how ridiculous this is and got the confirmation by the first time i did it on a low ranked player. Now i go all out but i don’t do ultras at all or just do the shortest ones, unless the guy starts to be a d-bag and keep doing taunts after every combo.

Funny story!..

I was re-qualifying in ranked, and i ran into a brand new player. I asked @RGLOfficial if i should be nice and go easy on him, or let him win. RGL told me to not hold anything back, so i got a perfect and stage ultra’d them…

That felt really bad.

I continued a long string of being a tyrant to new players, and after a while, one of the people i fought 3 times went to the Forums and created a topic about how much of a hard time they were having in ranked. I told RGL and me and him had a good laugh about it. I blamed him for turning me into a monster and hurting poor, defenseless new players.

I decided i should make uip for my sins by helping the guy out, so i invited him to play and learn, and now we are good friends, and i have signed him up for a long string of lessons in KI.

Thats how me and @xOGTxBONESx became friends! Just 1 week ago!


Play your best, and if you get an Ultra, end it immediately. The super long multi-ultras are incredibly obnoxious in general, but even more so for a player obviously learning.

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What to do? Kill them…quickly.

If they want a rematch, do it again.

If you see that they are willing to loose and keep coming back for more? Then maybe they have some potential, and if they want to learn(?), then I’d suggest you teach them…if you are willing that is.

About a week ago week ago

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Going easy never helps

IMO if it’s truly a low level user AND a low level character number, they deserve to see the potential of the characters especially if I encounter a low level mirror like Sadira Kim Aria Hisako orchid or Maya it’s nice to show the vast possibilities of the movesets etc especially ultra

But no insane triple ultra tea bagging & excessive taunts I’ll let them discover that soon enough on their own

if they jump alot i just anti air them until they stop then message them why they keep doing it

I always refer here and youtube to learn im message too I’ll run into them a week later and you can see the difference

Destroy them. Or, they’ll take your kindness for weakness, beat you, teabag etc.

Destroy them.

As somebody new to fighting games:
It’s nice to hold back with Ultra Combos at the start. You really don’t need the big guns to beat me. And there is nothing to learn, if I can lie my controller down and just keep watching you go mad on the buttons. Holding back / letting the noob win doesn’t feel like progress. It feels like a “participation certificate”.

I fought Pepsuliini a few weeks back. Seems like he was holding back, letting me hit him a few times, until I was just a final blow away from loosing. He started a Stage Ultra with Spinal and kicked my Thunder out of the window in the Ultratech stage. I didn’t even knew this was possible. It was still a loss, but I was blown away by the spectacle.

So make loosing fun, I guess?

Can you do a stage ultra on Aria stage on left side?

Only on the right side.