No, but I think your original post is important enough to bump up.
Ah, well, in that case, thanks!
I did too lol
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so I cant use the characters I bought on xbox1 if I dont have the console anymore?
Well, the game is still tied to your XBL account - that’s how you get the Win10 Edition. My guess is you just lose all of your progress (XP, story mode stuff, stats, accessories and other unlocks, etc.), but not the characters themselves.
i tried to get in, but I only have the free character. dont know whats that about. I own the first 2 seasons.
Do you have a friend with an XB1 console?
yeah, so I have to ask him to log in with my profile, or else I cant use the cross buy stuff?
Yep, that’d be my guess. Although, I do recommend you only do this with someone you absolutely trust.
Whew!! Thanks for the heads up!!