Vote KI for EVO Here

Ok so my question is as community should we all bow out? Since there’s a delay with tax refunds this year and people don’t want to “throw their money away” should we make this decision soon? If we do forefit I’m just happy we all did what we could for a noble cause :slight_smile: .

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I’m surprised how low the overall donations are for every game. Didn’t Smash raise like 90k when it won? If no game is even gonna come close to what Smash raised I never wanna see people complain about two Smash games ever again.

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Yeah smash raised 90k and skull girls raised 70k

Unless someone has infinite money and is about to drop 10k at once to take the lead I don’t really think it’s worth anyone’s money to donate for KI. The games in the lead are clear already and honestly if you want to donate to charity you should just do so directly. As far as supporting KI goes, there are better events you could be spending your money on. If KI’s not at evo, oh well. That just means that for some people the decision to go to combo breaker and CEO instead (tournaments that treat KI better) is that much easier.

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It’s stuff like this that makes me upset about so many people disliking KI:

They dislike it because they either don’t have an box one or they suck at it. Also their nostalgia makes them think they were good at KI '94 and KI2 '96…but they weren’t. They sucked on so many level because back then there was no online FGC, no tournaments…no competition besides a few bums at the mall arcade. they probably beat some kids that mashed buttons and they think they are awesome… step into today’s KI…get obliterated and then call it hot garbage.


Brandon said he’s gonna do that last day. Honestly, though, save it.

I hope he does.

I was thinking about donating $1,000 but what if KI doesn’t make it? Anyone know if I could get my money back if I were to donate?

If we as the community can’t even stay within 10k of Marvel’s lead then Brandon should just save his 10k and put it towards his events.


No… LOL it doesnt work that way.

Id wait till the last minute if that’s your plan.


If you want to drop a grand on a charity donation you should donate directly, don’t go through wizard’s BS. I really don’t want this stuff to be encouraged, I think this is a bad way to go about selecting a 9th game and it’s being executed poorly as well.


Wouldn’t worry bout him. He still thinks rare is making ki. Just a troll

I also think Brandon is nuts for dropping 10 grand. He should keep it for his event or keep it for a rainy day.

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facepalm someone close this thread.

Why?? Why would someone close this thread?..

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I think the 9 games/ communities have gotten to the point they really dont care about EVO since they feel cheated that other games made it and they didnt.
I for one could care less about EVO any more. I enjoy the other events much more any way. Combo breaker, AB7, CEO, ect…

EVO DOESNT HAVE TO BE THE BIGGEST EVENT … one of the others could just as easily take the throne one day!

Ahh, good ol’ #suck. You know if someone puts a hashtag in front of the word suck, their opinion is worth something.


To all you people saying give up Evo doesn’t matter. First don’t give we still can get in. 2 I don’t ki to get because a few dedicated wealthier people dropped thousands on us to save us. 3 stop lying to yourself if ki was already going to be at Evo or we were winn ING you wouldn’t be saying. At the end the day Evo still the Biggest fgc event and most importantly and brings the most exposure. If us as a community can’t ban together and at least stay in the race then we wouldn’t do it if another big event ask for it. Last to all you Melee haters, shut up you have no right to complain because melee earned it’s spot and deserve it over ki any. In 2013 Melee and Skullgirls were able to both get over 50000 and if we can’t get half than that then that just shows something. Even then melee still triples or quadruple ki in views and entrants any day. So I am not telling you vote, I ain’t ether but that’s only because I can’t. But don’t pretend Evo ain’t nothing and ki deserves better than this because in all reality ki doesn’t deserve anything.

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it doesn’t mean anything in terms of a game’s success MK X is a huge sales success; more than SF V, etc. Do you think WB gives a damn that it’s not in Evo? HAHAHAHAHHAAH

Its made them a lot of money and now they have Netherealm onto the next game project…

and the cycle continues.

Tournaments can give longer term exposure but doesn’t drive sales anywhere close to what a game launch or expansions would trigger…since most tournament viewers are already into these games. most casual people dont watch tournaments.

Too bad it may not make Evo BUT MS/IG goals for future content is what will drive if the game continues well or not…
(at least from a business POV).


There’s something interesting to learn from this.

Mortal Kombat X launched on multiple platforms and had huge sales numbers and tournament payouts. It even had very successful DLC characters like Alien and Predator. It was easily one of the most popular fighting games on the planet for a while.

Now where is it? Less than 10 people donated for it to be at EVO. Killer Instinct’s tournament numbers (while generally small) have been growing measurably each year as the game gets new characters, modes and tweaks. The game was released before MKX but still enjoys a larger active player base than MKX today.

I think it’s a testament to Killer Instinct’s business model, the passion of the community and the game’s core gameplay. Even if the game isn’t featured at EVO, it’s not the end. We’ve come back to tournaments before. Remember Northwest Majors a couple of years ago? I think we’ll be ok either way.