Unlocking Astral Plane Normal mode?

Unlocking Astral Plane in three easy steps:

  1. Pick Rash
  2. ???
  3. Profit

I managed to unlock it on challenging and I never thought I’d be able to.

The only way I managed was having killer items, beating all 4 Omens (barely) and using the “shadow lord” item I got from grinding out normal mode. I was able to waste Gargos on challenging and unlock the stage to my surprise. By no means was unlock the stage “easy” because I had to grind normal mode forever to get what I needed and even at that I had to deploy my way through challenging because it was to hard for me. However that shadow lord item is the key to beating him on challenging, no question.

I am ok with unlocking the stage as soon as IG rewards me with 3 pro stars for starting my KI game. Not because I try hard, but just because others have them, and I want to be part of the group.

It is not that hard. It just takes time. I am at the bottom of the gold rank, and if i can do it so can anyone.

There are those of us who took the time to do it, so if you really want it, then just play the game.

i got two of his buffs removed and he still ■■■■■■■ powerful

next time get all 4 buffs off and he will be easier

Yeah, focusing on getting all 4 buffs removed should be top priority. Gargos was actually designed to be legit unfair otherwise.

 abuse the AI. Abuse it!

For example, the AI usually doesn’t know what to do with a grenade on it. Pick Arbiter, get some small damage combos and then use a combo break immunity to finish out a health bar.

Obviously that by itself won’t ice Gargos easily, but it is if you just start playing the AI.

Now I realize that may not be how you want to win. And I apologize for being the one to say this, but not everyone can succeed the “right” way. Sometimes you have to admit it and take the cheap way.