Ultra Issue Found ..more and more discovered

So in basic terms you are saying you can get an Ultra off a blocking opponent? Or only a late block out of a stagger?

If a player is in danger and they are blocking, you are still able to go into Ultra even though, technically you shouldn’t be able to. This was the same issue that was happening with Rash. It was confirmed to be happening with Eagle and now I guess several characters are able to do this.

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Live look at me at my desk right now:

(We’re aware. No ETA but thanks for the head’s up.)


Super bummer, because this is very easy to reproduce in training mode.

I don’t know the state of the KI team right now, but if they are planning to fix this eventually, we should try to track down any other instances where this can happen and get them all fixed at once.

Also, that Rash bug where he can link anything after a LK auto-double should probably also should squeak into a theoretical patch.


Yeah if y’all can find any/other characters this happens with, and can provide videos of it, that would be awesome.


Videos of this particular issue happening both in-game and in-training mode with instructions on how to duplicate contained within this topic.

WHy does this stuff never happen with Omen? lol… all I get with Omen is frame drops from hell when he does shadow linkers or ultras. :wink:

Does this work for Omen or Kilgore?

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I discovered the Hisako “AirOrz” Ultra Bug Two days ago, and now, after messing around with this bug, I may have killed her with it.

not to beat a dead horse, but it gets worse…now we dont even need contact of any sort to me made…

only option changes, lowered health, and no health regeneration:

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Just some more info regarding Hisako’s AirOrz issues:

Did she not even hit him?

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no, and it works on block too
as long as the opponent is in danger

check the top post

Oh man this sucks. I wonder if distance matters? Cause this would be quite absurd.

ive checked the proximity…unless there is stagger or block/hit stun from full screen, it wont register…now if this were Maya, maybe a dagger coud trigger something similar, but in this scenario, its Hisako’s Air On Ryo Zan move.

have you made this work in a match though?

yessir…the NWO boys are giving me jimmy-eyes

but, all they need to do is pick up isako and it a fair fight…i teach them them everything i find.

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i dont spam it unless i have a tbagger or a taunter…then they know my name, and all is forgiven.

Hisako brings us all closer together, like a family therapist… of sorts

And here I am, just starting to learn Hisako! :smiley: