And then there’s Rash who just smiles back at him.
Do we need to pay for said Ultimates?
More on that after the Q&A portion.
I have bad feeling that we may have to pay for Ultimates. Please don’t let be a thing that turn so many people off.
I think 15 Ultimates for only KI original characters. That’s mean new characters will not get Ultimates. Right?
Did you read to the end of the page? It clearly says it’s free.
No, they are free. $0.00.
Its cool and all but I have a Strong felling Omen isn’t getting one
Isnt it a total of 15 ORIGINAL characters from KI classic and KI2?
Ultra into lp+lk for ultimate? I remember saying that a while ago but don’t know exactly which thread it was. Anyway, ultimates are baaaaaack! And they’re free, yes! Thank you.
oh woops my bad.
Did you not read the entire article??
Sorry to be thaaat guy, but why only 15?
IIRC you guys said everyone would get an ultimate.
It just feels like unfinished work. Same with stage ultras. I don’t get it.
Thunder’s ultimate is my favorite so far. I think it’s a good sign.
As far as who gets one, I think the 15 original characters is a safe bet. Although I wouldn’t be shocked if it was otherwise. I like the Ultra cancel as opposed to a new ender input idea.
Maybe it’s the original KI1&2 15 characters, then sometime down the line, the New characters get one too.
I have a feeling we pay for those lol
When will you guys give hisako something new I’m guessing she wont be one of the 15…
Nope. they are freeeeeeeee!
Confirmed it is exactly 15 original characters in the old games that made a return.
Too coincidental
The first 15 are… and the rest?
I think 15 Ultimates for original characters. Not new characters…
I know. But, what about the new dudes?
I dunno. But I doubt it.