Tusk's face

LOL sad Tusk sad and like a gnome from WOW

Iā€™m gonna call it now and say I have a big hunch that itā€™s going to be like Chris Hemsworth. I think they are going more with the Thor archetype than the Conan in Season 3.

Nobody will complain about Tuskā€™s face. A generic tough guy face will suffice.

People complain about femaleā€™s faces because we want to see them being beautiful. Thatā€™s sexist but I have to admit Iā€™m also guilty of it.

Yo, I want my male characters to be beautiful too! As in beautifully crafted from a modellerā€™s point of view. And, well, I do like me some handsome, hunky men, ifyouknowwhatimsaying huehuehueā€¦ ;3

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Are you forgetting the TJ fiasco?

TJā€™s fiasco was not about the beauty of his face, it was about his whole low res model.

A good chunk of the complaints were that he looked like Patrick Ewing, that his face didnā€™t look tough enough.

As long as I can tell the difference between him and Thunder, Iā€™m good. Iā€™m pretty sure in regards to his facial structure, it wonā€™t be too much different than it was in KI2 but better designed, more realistic looking, and DISTINCT from Thunder.

LOL that means we are still in danger of gettingā€¦





I liked Fabio Tusk though lol.

Nah, heā€™s got a beard, so at least not exactly like Fabio. :stuck_out_tongue:

the retro will provide us with the fabio fix we crave


fabio even got hit with a stage ultra to start training for his cameo in KI


Imagine Tuskā€™s Stage Ultra being that a flock of seagulls just kamikaze straight into the opponent! XD


please no beard!!!

You see those two tiny braids right above his finger?

Thatā€™s his beardā€¦

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it seems this guy got pretty close too


damn :frowning: so no hope for him to have Arnoldā€™s face lol

Thor and Game of Thrones Tusk accessories confirmed!!

Donā€™t dis the WU!

I actually like Kim Wuā€™s Design. Just make fun of peopleā€™s face complaints. :grin: