Tips dealing with Eyedol

The inclusion of dashing kind of muddies what you’re saying, because no dash in the game is less than 17f. I wanna say 22f is the standard, but I can’t remember. @Infilament has a thread around here outlining dash specifics.

In the whiff punish example, though, you won’t ever have time to dash in and press the button, but if you’re just outside of Eyedol’s range when he whiff, you have time to press your 2-in-1 (st.HPxMP Shank).
That’s the essence of whiff punishing - being just outside of their strike range. If you dash in at a whiff, odds are you’re getting combo’d for your trouble, because dashing just takes too long.

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Thanks for the tips. I just updated my comment to get rid of most of the whiff punish murk. I didn’t realize that dashing occupied so many frames–it’s tough nailing down frame data for jumping and dashing outside of manual testing (and, it would seem, Infil’s thread). I’ll check his thread out and see what I can learn from it.

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This is how I feel every time I face an Eyedol, Sadira, Shago, Maya or TJ, or even a Rash, to name but a few, under ranked scenarios. It’s a shame to see a character designed to be played a certain way have only 2 moves out of the several at their disposal used as a cheap tactic. Basically, I get where you’re coming from.