Thread Hi-Jacked Trolled Ignore

We never fought, there was some network junk going on.
Invite me again if you like.

Tell me when you’re Killer Tier, have played close to 6k ranked matches, and have 14 lv. 50 characters.

LOL Ive killed x2 star killers many times.
If your so good meet me after work, in person,
Ill show you who is boss.

Well do a lan party with your mom house.

Who the hell are you to demand stuff out of me. Last I checked I don’t listen to people online who irritate the hell out of me, which is what you’re doing now

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Yet you cant get off my thread, you love me.

I literally said to adapt to the B.S. and you spiraled it outta control.

Christopher, Christopher

I told you to go ride the bus and cool off.

So says the dood who wants to get me to bring my Xbox around places when that ■■■■ ain’t leaving my apartment.

I told you we can do it with your moms house.
Ill even bring your mother a nice Tuna Casserole.

She like the Tuna right?

Apparently it takes a troll to know and see one. calls me a troll, is being mighty annoying himself


We got another one folks!
Fire up the oven I got another one
on the way.

Please, I don’t have the patience for this. If you want to fight me, be a patient little s*it and wait until tomorrow. I’m off.

You know who that is right?

If you weren’t so annoying this wouldn’t be going anymore. But you keep pushing and pushing for no reason.


@SaltBomber44 @JouksNetlander

Please stop arguments. Can we forget about it?

Dont PM me anymore.

@KevBones10 if you’ve been paying attention this dood’s trynna cut on my life and I’m at work rn. But he refuses to get that and keeps pushing me for no reason.

What you still doing here? He tanked this thread 20 minute ago?
Wanna play online? or talk to Christopher? He is feeling quite salty

Wait till the mods see this thread

@Mods please delete this.