The season 3 community fund poll

That’s why you give feedback and the game will get updated accordingly. Watching it is not the same as playing it or doing it.
Your concerned about something like this can be done by updates.
-Polishing can go with each update.
-Ultimates through the fundraiser.

-Flashy combos are less important than gameplay.
-There is an entire thread about why Ultras are annoying, so there are a lot of people who agree on this.
-The reason it is an issue, is because Iron Galaxy would have to make an ultimate for every character that pleases everyone. If they arent cool, people wont be happy. But people want “death” to be very heavily implied. That will give Iron Galaxy trouble balancing “what the players want” against “What the limitations are for a Teen rating.”
-They may be aesthetic, but they are more functional and more commonly seen than ultimates.

They are willing to do a HUGE update to the game to make it look better than ever. They want to make changes that would take a very long time if they did it through small updates. If you expect them to adjust EVERY animation in the game by the end of season 3 just through small updates, you are crazy, and its also unfair to say they should just do it for free (along side whatever the completed fund goals will be).

What if I told you their are ways to have a character die without boosting the rating?
There are more creative ways of killing your opponent in a FG without dismemberment. I don’t see how difficult it is to see that finishing moves tat don’t neccisary dismember can be more creative and suitable for a T-rating than simply ripping someone in half or slicing them to bits.

Heck you could have Cinder melt someone and not show their bones or anything just turn them into a lava pile. You could have Glacius freeze them and they shatter but no blood and everything including the ahdns are in a bunch a pieces.
Riptor could stab them with the tail stav or break their neck by shaking them around and slamming them all over the place.

Take MKvsDC as an example (Yes I know lots of us don’t like it but its the bets example I could think of)

Well, polishing can also affect the inclusion of characters and other assets unless you can procide how it wouldn’t.

Not to mention ultimates give so the options and maybe reduce the amount of quitting.
Besides trying to add polish as an update can guarantee a win/win also polishing wouldn’t be very major and the result would be to not add something that others have been wanting in the game.
Theres people who want Eyedol, classic stages, ultimates. None of those would have a good chance in making it if polishing is the result of the fundraising.
As for time, most games who have been in development or had updates take a long time to make tend to come out in better quality than stuff that’s rushed and not put a lot of time into.

The polishing being update in some way would be a win/win otherwise aside form what the polishing could provide, would not be a big difference in the game and most polish would go unnoticed by some.

I can understand the need for keeping balance but imo, the fundraiser would be pointless if it did not add something the lots of us have been wanting like characters, retro stages, or Ultimates.

I don’t expect them to please everybody, however it would be a mostly bare bones for a fundraiser to not go with something that can be added one update at a time. They pretty much polish and re-balance with every update anyway.

Just my view of the situation.

If you think a 'TEEN" rating is going to limit what they do for all the characters abilities than you may need to consider that they have to get alot more creative.

Even in a number of the stage Ultras they are able to show death without dismemberment or gore. THINK about this for a second. When you see people in the stage ultras get dragged underground on Hisako’s stage or someone deteriorating into dust, they were able to show death in that manner without bumping the teen rating. I think IG is able to think creatively in that manner. Of course it will take awile for them to make animations for all the cast but it’s something I’d happily be paitent for.

Secondly I’m sure they can pull it off. Of course the Ultimates will not please everyone but that is t be expected. Not all the Ultras can be pleasing to others I don’t find a numbe rof them pleasing and some have even said other Ultras are just too freaking slow. Not everyone can be pleased but I still appreciate that IG still tries at least and I’ll be paitent for them to do that.

You say they may not be as functional as Ultras but if you some how manage to keep your green lifebar you can do the exact same function the only different at this point is Ultras can be canceled and just drag the fight on a double edge sword not worth by much in comparison.

Not only that but because Ultras are so common this si why they have become so dull. Given the choice I’d rather just end the Ultimate right away because it’s so overdone to begin with. Options are still limited with stage Ultras. If I have the chance to do an Ultimate I can easily do that and all it will take is less than 5 seconds of finishing off my foe with an Ultimate. A satisfying finish without wasting time. Plus you can’t jusy do it willy-nilly, you have to EARN it. Ultras don’t require anything but just you having to win the match which isn’t that hard depending on who you fight. So it isn’t like you have to worry about every match you get finished with an Ultimate by your opponent. And even then it’s less painful then sitting through a triple ultra which still takes WAY longer than an Ultimate would.

I think IG has the power to pull it off. They already figured out how. And outside some of the content like characters, stages and maybe some balancing here and there which can come from the main game focus, there’s nothing really stoppin them from doing Ultimates it would be a waste to go through trying to figure out how to do Shago’s Ultimate on all stages and not do them for all characters.

I’m not saying IG should drop everything and do the Ultimates but the balancing and tweaking aspect you’re worried about; that’s gonna be coming along anyway so long as you keep giving proper feedback to them about the issues.

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Wish I could add options to the poll, I’d add Season one stage ultras for those two asked.

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Omen fix + Retro stages plz


More finishers are just more time NOT PLAYING KI, whatever you think it is fun or not, is a time you put away your controller and just watch.

Ultras already take away the meta discussion here on local KI groups lost among many 3 Ultras showing off clips.

For other, I would love to see an original fan made character make it into the game. How it would work is

  1. Fans would submit characters on the forums (a concept art, basic gameplay philosophy, moves, ect.)
  2. Fans Would vote on their favorites after the characters are submited.
  3. The winning character is realized as a full fighter. If it’s possible, the person who submitted them could also help provide feedback on the progress of the character.

This could be something truly interesting and I’m not sure it’s ever been done before. Or it could turn out horribly, I don’t know…

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Ultimates is another thing that lot sof people want. Also your more likely to have your fore rage quit then just sit their and watch you triple ultra. That’s why I have to cancel the ultra afterwards.

Give Omen some love. IMO he looks like some weird copy paste character, and so out of place surrounded by all other great, detailed characters this game has.


Yet i would NOT pay if he was the reward for helping the community fund. I hate the character personally and half baked or not i already own him as a playable. Eyedol or Shadow Orchid much more likely to get the fans financial backing IMO.

All I wanna see is a Xenomorph guest character XD


Fixed or completely redone Season 1 retros is what I want more than anything.

Especially for Sabrewulf, Fulgore and Jago.

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I want Glacius’ head to be fixed, it looks like a fugly snowplow.

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I’d rather Eyedol be a fully fleshed out character with a story instead of a community funded thing.

If Ultras do happen I give it half a year before people come on here and beg to skip Ultimates just like Ultras.

should give us two choices… for everyone who is torn between two things :smile:

I think the animations and ■■■■ like that is what makes them not want to do eyedol…plus they have to come up with new moves because of the amount of cheapness of the old ki boss

Go play MKX then - they’ve got 1… :alien:

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