For Shadow Lords, while I’m aware it’ll have a bit more focus on the S3 characters, how much time in the spotlight would you estimate the S1 and 2 characters will have as far as relevancy goes?
1.will there be season 4? (Please)
2.Will season 4 be upgrated to scorpio?
3. Is it bad to ask for 3 more seasons? (Last week i had 50€ and i didn’t know which game to buy, i wanted more seasons to be there)
4. Will color 10s be ingame purchaseable?
5. Are we going to have the missing stages?
6. Is there any bonus character?
7. Any early Shadow Lords release for common people like me?
When can we expect Wave 2 Ultimate Source figures?
Are Holiday Colors and Accessories officially no longer a thing outside of the already existing Christmas set? What prompted their original incarnation and later dropping of the idea?
Are there any current concrete plans for a Season 3 Community Fund?
Can we get a Story Describing the Demon Wars that allowed a being like Gargos to feel he is fit to rule, how many other Lords of Shadow did he have to betray and assassinate to reach his position?
Are we gonna get some kinda equality in the Colors for each character? Most characters have 9 colors, Some characters have 10, while Orchid might have 11 when her toy comes out. I had the game since the the second week of its existence in S1 and my Gargos is lvl50 do players like me get the Gold skin?
Since Eyedol was already being made during the Community Surveys, can we assume that the 2# ranked among the most wanted characters is now 1#? Also, can we expect to see the highest voted characters sometime in KI’s future?
You did a great job with the lighting upgrade…any chance of other graphical tweaks like fancier looking ultras or perhaps having the hit counter font getting more over the top the higher the hits ?