The Official Weekly Tournament of the Forums (WTF) #2 thread

YES A TOURNAMENT OF WHICH I CAN BRING OUT MY TRUE POWER!! I CAN’T wait till WEEK 1 , I HOPE I DON’T Get whooped too bad though.:grin:


That makes 17…only 15 more to go.

I also spent a good deal of time tonight getting some practice in with @Thunderb3E …man that kid has a mean…well I’m not going to give it away just yet.

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@WrathOfFulgore, it occurs to me I never had a match with you, wanna give it a go sometime?

Maybe sometime, it’d probably have to be at the earliest sometime tomorrow. I’m about to head to bed. Long story, but I’ve been haven’t been able to sleep, and it’s now nearly 6am my time. Fortunately I don’t have to go to work until 7pm, but still.

Thats ok, still at work myself, sometime this or next week is fine by me :sunglasses:

I registered
thanks for telling me @Dayv0


Well, it’s less than a week away and we still have 14 slots. Anyone else know of anyone that might be interested?

@Somea2V, @Marbledecker, @MandrillManiac, @BubbRubb4Real, @oTigerSpirit, @DyingAlloy66626, @SithLordEDP, @DescartesTruth, @FengShuiEnergy , @Sheptastic0312

Weekly tournament, one fight per week, you and your rival get an agreement about when.

Its really fun, you should join! Also,40$
Gift card for the winner


Alright, done :stuck_out_tongue:


Ehhhh I dunno. Maybe.

Thanks @Dayv0…we’ve got so many regulars & such anymore it’s hard to keep track of everybody to tag.


where do you sign up for this at?

Link’s in the first post.

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I think this tourney has set in. I just realized:

I’m hella nervous.

Lol. But it happens. Once my hands touch the fight stick, and I hear the announcer say Ready, I’m focused.

Tourney Jitters plz

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Sorry for not speaking earliers but I won’t be joining because of school atm.

Sorry folks.

I signed up


Cool, well that puts us up to 20…still a bit short but we’ve still got a few days left.

how many are you looking for?


So there are 12 left

I’ll see if I can recruit some people.