The New GG's Thread! (B/c we're so awesome that the last one had too many replies and auto-locked)

We should play sometime soon.

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@swordman09 We should play KI soon. I miss your Cinder. :slight_smile:


Maybe sometime this week. Although I don’t know if I still have Xbox Gold or not lol


What actually happened to Marbledecker? It’s one thing to kinda drift away from the game over time but he was super active every day and then literally never posted again out of nowhere. Can someone fill me in? lol


GGs to everyone I give free wins to. :+1:

I’m not sure exactly what happened with him, but the not posting again up out of nowhere thing isn’t exactly something I’ve never heard of before. I actually did that on a Transformers forum…had somewhere along the lines of 7,000 posts during my time there and just up and stopped going there one day. *shrug *


Spoilers for those who didn’t watch today’s death Death Battle.

Ggs to Balrog for trying to square up with the champ.


Yeah, he never had a chance in that fight IMO :joy:

And yeah @WrathOfFulgore, I’ve done that with a few forums before. I used to participate very regularly in the KI forum on gamefaqs actually, until one day I just didn’t.


He lost his marbles?

Also… GGS to @UABass who expertly dispatched my Sadira this afternoon. I had just loaded up KI after a short hiatus and he didn’t disappoint.

GGs going out to @MandrillManiac @NitricZenith and @Dayv0 for the great sets today☺


GGS indeed. :grinning:

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My sabrewulf needs work.

He feels much more different then season 1 wulf. So tight or something

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His gameplan is still pretty similar, but now since he has so many more options for how to get his work done his skill ceiling has been raised a bit I feel.

Some of his changes have left him feeling different though I agree. Slower in some areas, faster in others, and with his most damaging combos changed there’s a lot to consider.

I’m a decent Wulf (I’d hope I am, I’ve been playing the character since Season 1) so next time we duel I can give you tips :blush:

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Id like to schedule some sets. I’m not happy with my play as of late and want some longer exhibitions to analyze on the fly and after its done.


I’m down…I’ve been wanting to play you again for sometime now.

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I gave up my xbox for right now, when is good for you?

GGS to @MandrillManiac

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Just message me and most times I can hop on.

Ggs to @reeeek20 for our matches from earlier! You were a breath of fresh air after facing a lag switcher three times in a row. It’s always fun playing friends whether winning or losing. :slight_smile:

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Hey @TempusChaoti. Was just wondering if you’d managed to find a final answer on where would be the best place to try and buy a 220V X1 PSU. There’s a MS store here in SG, but it’s been closed so I haven’t been able to try it yet. :-/