The Killer instinct Costumes Controversy

All you guys ccan do is hope and keep talking about it. they might do this after season 3 is finished and assuming Season 4 is not going to happen.

This is actually something Adam himself has brought up in the forums that maybe they would consider having us buy a special pack or something and that money goes into creating new costumes. I mean me personally Iā€™m all for getting new costumes for each character but I think the people care more about fixing the classic ones. And yes you are 100% correct there have been countless threads about this costume problem so I dont know why they thinks itā€™s acceptable to ignore it. Even though Iā€™m sure they are more focused on making new content for season 3 I still think fixing these costumes should be some kind of priority for them.

Gameplay is one thing but having a nice visual representation for your game is a really big component. Especially when we are trying to get new players into the community and play the game having them take a look at animation or costumes and say wow that looks really bad isnā€™t something we probably want to have happen. When TJ combo was first revealed the backlash was so severe saying he looked terrible. Granted I know they only had 6 weeks to work on him and he finally got polished up but itā€™s still a great example about small stuff like hair and visuals do matter a lot to people.

I think it really just comes down to having some kind of professional support for them since PC modders will just do it anyways but Xbox ONe owners are screwed because there is no modding for that system like PC.

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Yes but the problem with new costumes is what will they release? Wouldnā€™t we still have a hybrid Orchid skin from Season 1 and then maybe a true KI2 Orchid? That would not make sense to me. Ideally what we need is reworked Season 1 Classics. Wouldnā€™t this seem logical instead of a whole new set of skins that are essentially the same thing but done better by Bayliss? Itā€™s really muddy to me. Just give Orchid more accessories instead of a new skin (KI2 tonfas, etc). What you would have are classic templates with accessory packs that can be used to achieve the desired look. Some of the work has to do with accessories and some of it has to do with the actual model (Glacius). Some would be getting things they donā€™t necessarily want to pay for because ā€œThey are just fine with what they have.ā€ I feel like itā€™s a really tough thing to achieve. Trust me there is nothing more I would enjoy than to see a better Fulgore. Unfortunately they have used that skin in the story element. Itā€™s pretty ā– ā– ā– ā–  rooted.

As for Thunder, I happen to enjoy is alternate accessory set. He would need just one more accessory pack that makes him closer to classic Thunder: featherhawk, tomahawks, and paint instead of tattoos.

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My apologies for this in advance guys.

Adam should not have made that suggestion imo. Weā€™re still waiting on Shago after the community fund months ago.

I know itā€™s happening and it was great that we managed it so fast as well as help out the tournament scene (as far as I know), but is this what itā€™s going to come down to every time? Us guys continuously putting in to get something that some view as ā€œstandardā€ getting done?

Donā€™t get me wrong, DH got the hard job from MS over the T-rating thing, and then the whole changing hands with devs, which has left IG stuck with us making our demands on one side and MS doing the same on the other. TBH itā€™s not IGā€™s problem or fault, but theyā€™re really saying that they need more cash from us to get that sorted out? Come on.

I still stand by the idea that Season 3 could sell at the same price as the last two seasons Ultra pack price and put in more things than just characters and stages, since thereā€™s no classic game to put in there.

Itā€™s the same as that comment left by Adam about Ultimates needing to take the place of some other feature they might be thinking about adding.

All this does is leave me with the belief that we shouldnā€™t have any expectations from them at all and just be happy with what little they feel we deserve.

The standard set in S1 differs so much from S2 (story for example), we really need to bridge gap between seasons, so it looks like a complete game and not a 3-parter.

They should show the concepts for the retros before given the option to prepurchase them. Problem with season 2 was we didnā€™t even know the character till shortly beforehand.
Where orchid is concerned they went as far as producing the model judging get by the fan book. Maybe they shouldā€™ve edited that bit out 1st lol.

Donā€™t expect classic skins.

Rated T for Teen.

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And so were the first two games.


yup true, so true

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Still aint gonna get the thongā€¦

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that slim fulgore. ki2 wulf was my favorite wulf

Exactly and indeed so too

Actually the arcade versions didnā€™t have a rating. They just said ā€œlife like violence, blood and goreā€ in red letters.

Even so, The console versions had everything the arcade versions had that they were able to handle.

What? No detail as to why you think he is the worst character in the game? I think he looks and works just fineā€¦

Which move, and how? As for his classic, if you ask me, the original was rather boring overall and with the right accessories the current retro comes pretty close (no shirt, red Mohawk, standard axes, camo pants) IMO.

And seriously? Dead to you? Wowā€¦ Thatā€™s justā€¦ Well, sad. Personally, I think youā€™re overdoing it by being overtly melodramatic.

Regarding Call of Sky, like you, I preferred the original version, but that being said, they both had/have their uses, but for very different things.