The KI is too "YOLO" Debate

I agree. My nepehw doesn’t hardly know anything about KI. He goes yolo mashing buttons but he never ends up doing well.

If they need somethinG more their speed, may I recommand Tekken? or Soulcalibar perhaps? XD

Just another reason to hate the console wars. I love my XB1, but I don’t think there’s a ■■■■ thing wrong with liking the PS4 or PC.


I ain’t YOLO? !

*glances at own Kan Ra Shadow stats in shadow lab: 66% offense, 24% defense *


Yolo is usually thrown out there when someone successfully hits their opponent with a move that would have otherwise been very negative and punishable on block. I see it a lot when someone gets hit by a cancelled dp after a jago block string. The person getting hit by the dp will dismiss the hit as the guy being YOLO.

In my experience you sometimes see wild players who do nothing but take risks and play YOLO, but the term often doesn’t get used when fighting them because they are consistently getting punished due to their recklessness. It’s more often the case that someone makes accurate reads, uses an unsafe move and connects and then the person getting hit by the unsafe move becomes frustrated and consequently complains by categorizing his/her opponent as YOLO.

YOLO is such a weird acronym. Hopefully we don’t use that term a lot. :horse:

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I’m inclined to agree - it’s a video game; the fact that “you only live once” does not really apply.

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“It’s only a game.” and “You have infinite continues.” doesn’t quite ring the same :wink:

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people saying KI is YOLO just havent played, but i will say and i know its a bit off topic, but what makes me more upset is that the FGC has been calling this game dead as fu ck since last year and after SF5 was announced, its the end-all be-all fighting game that will bury this one for good.

why they have this attitude i do not know, but its not very smart nor is it cool by any stretch. SF5 needs to succeed so the genre can continue to move forward, KI needs to succeed so new fighting games can come into existence and move forward too. but nobody will think of that, its all about “my game is better than yours noob”

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Yep, it’s this whole thing all over again:

I prefer KI to MKX, but you won’t find me putting down MKX players. MKX is a mechanically sound FG that requires skill and practice to attain consistent success. For people to put KI players down because they prefer another game is hyperbolic and ignorant.

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Shrug They’ve been saying KI is dead basically since it came out at this point. I’m more of the mindset “who cares?” For all the doom and gloom people have (consistently, even in this space) had about the game, it’s done pretty well for itself. And it’ll get a new season next year, and will probably make Evo once more, where it’ll get another chance to show out.

In the meantime, I get to enjoy my favorite fighting game ever. This is literally the game that got me back into the genre, and no amount of hate or “it’s dead” naysaying will change that fact for me. So I’m just gonna enjoy it to the hilt.


I feel the exact same way about this game. I hadn’t touched a FG since MK9, subsequently discovered this and was immediately hooked. I’ll be playing it until no more opponents are to be found. And even then I’ll probably box Shadows.


i feel the same way, this game brought me back into the genre and im here to play KI until the servers go down. way i see it, this game will at least get another EVO and if the turn out is good, you can bet we’ll see it again at EVO 2017. to me the game is very lively, i get matches really fast and then there is the whole world cup too that got extended into 2016


I started around Injustice when I started going hardcore in FG’s. Something in KI makes me want to play this game so much, even more than MKX and Street Fighter! ( And I have SF2 Turbo HD, SF3: Third Strike and USF4 as well as SFXT. I like street fighter! :grinning:) But KI has me hooked forever!


Ive been playing fighters all my life. Im 32 now.

The whole point is that all fighters are different. Ki is different and if that different is YOLO then so be it.

I think YOLO mostly comed from the combo system. Its built on frames and stun and openers and pressure just like any other game… but its also bassed on your ACTUAL mind.

Last time i checked no one could exploit my mind. Just like any casual player i can try to read my opponents, i can guess and i can bluff them.

That takes a whole different skill to reading frames and learning button inputs. Its almost the difference between human intelegence and AI.

All combos in KI are based human intelegence rather than a poke (from whoever has the advantage) followed by an unbreakabale (most of the time) combo. You cant perfect reading someones reactions and everyone’s reactions and styles of play are different making nothing safe or garenteed

I think allot of traditional fighting game players struggle with this. It ultemetly puts people who can see human patterns on a simular level. Would everyone love the game if they had safe effect button imput and timing combos that couldnt be broken? Probably.

I love KI the way it is. I love the way casuals can do you damage and steal your thunder with a breaker now and then.


KI tends not to be any more YOLO than other games, though, that’s the point we’re making. Sometimes it feels like it, because the guesses your opponents are doing are kind of… transparent, whereas sometimes the guesses your opponent is making in, say, SF4 are less obvious. It doesn’t mean they aren’t guessing often in every game, though. (Or feel free to look at Marvel and MKX as examples of YOLO/guess-to-survive games, even if there is interesting neutral in those games)

Maybe it’s partly because guessing in SF4 footsies often won’t immediately kill you, but guessing in KI is often an all-or-nothing type move, so when it works against you, it feels more frustrating. I dunno, human psychology is a weird thing. But you have lots of tools in KI to prevent guessing from winning (I’d argue even more so than traditional SF games, actually), so it irks me when people ignore these tools and complain about the game, or not accept that some small amount of variance is common practice in fighting games.

I guess a lot of people compare KI to USF4, which is kind of a solved game with frame-perfect meaty setups and safe jumps, which give people no options but to (usually) block? Maybe they feel this style of gameplay is less YOLO or something? It’s clear they weren’t around at the start of SF4’s life, then, where everything was the wild west and you got hit by wake up button and all sorts of convoluted nonsense on the regular. It takes years, even in the Youtube era, to refine gameplay, so KI being a bit more "wild west"y right now, with a smaller player base and fewer scientists, makes perfect sense in the grand scheme of things.


My issue with SF as a whole for about 10 (I think closer to 15!) years now and why I all but dropped out of FG’s (even though there are still a few unique gems).
But I think that is what is actually gating a lot of veteran players, they’ve become complacent in a solved game and now KI is outside their comfort.

Notice how the “casual” pros could use their fundamentals to go far in EVO’14 but it was the KI-players that dominated the EVO’15 and choked the less experienced ones out?
And that was with quite a few S1 characters being used right up until the end!
The tech and matchups were just too diverse to use the “S-Tiers” to wing it, and it was awesome.
(And Sadira was fixed.)

The Counter-Combo Breaker system is seemingly a large barrier for those that want to have solved movements for each matchup… It’s going to take a while to shift momentum back the days when it was cherished to have so much to learn.
A LOT of players seem to believe in creating no-win situations… Which Double Helix and Iron Galaxy have both gone to great lengths to restrain or outright avoid.

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i think there is also something else that we’re missing and that it could be that perhaps the new generation of FGC are just like other new gen gamers. they dont want to work for something, they want it thrown at them. you see it in other genres especially the MMO games where people dont wanna travel or hunt for stuff.

if i punish you, i want a full punish no matter what. i dont want you to come back and break it and get back on your feet then potentially turn the WHOLE match around throwing my a$$ to the loser’s screen. i out played you and i landed that hit on you first, why are you still alive? that is the attitude i think that keeps players from enjoying this game. from the moment the match starts, to the end, both players are playing the game. im not watching myself die, nor are you unless you’re absolutely brand new (or you fight a very strong Kan-Ra LOL).

they dont want that, they dont want to learn that KI has now introduced a new way to fight and imo it should actually excite them more. that is, mind games are now more important than ever, your brain vs mine. im still no acrobat on the stick (as of this writing…i still have big issues doing DP on fulgore after several months) but if i am smarter my chances of winning increase. that is irksome to the new crowd. nevermind the awesome rush you get!


My opinion is that a lot of people are happy to lose to 1 frame links and high execution combos, but they get frustrated by low execution barrier breakers and counters that let lower skilled players compete (i.e. The best thing about KI). The fact of the matter is that high execution barriers lower the amount of competition and if you have the ability to execute at a high level you may not appreciate the extra competition. So anything that beats you without that level of execution is “YOLO.”


its like the FGC doesnt want just anybody to get good nor do they want more fighting games. they must want to see the same usual suspects at every EVO that passes by each year and have it as only streetfighter/marvel 3? i dont know.


Remember, Brawl/Melee gets more slack than anyone at the moment… But there’s a different cultural following due to its Nintendo roots so that series is carving its own path in spite of the overall FGC feelings.


Don’t be this guy. LOL XD