The hard question of missing stages

The mistake they have already made. Look at Arbiter stages, in my opinion they used all their money for that stage. And gargos what did they give? In my opinion, these people do not know how to handle the money that Microsoft has from.

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I know, it is strange. All the games sell cosmetics to support their product. Here we get things but not that much as others. So many people are asking for stages and so many threads for that (and not only stages, but also costumes,colors ect.) , but it always comes to there is no time or money to do that. But selling cosmetics is how you make money and so time. I donā€™t know.

Arbiter is a guest but his treatment was superior to Gargos and Eyedol ā€¦ so I think many people say stupid things, other than personal opinion ā€¦
These are ā€œmissing stagesā€ is an easy-to-understand word, ā€œmissing stagesā€.

If the arbiter has his stage and Eyedol no, (at gargos, that shameful thing) are ā€œmissing stageā€, stopā€¦


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It is not something that needs opinions, it is objective.

Considering that Arbiter and his stage was put in solely to draw in Halo fans, which there are a lot of considering Halo is MSā€™s flagship franchise, it makes sense for them to have spent a little extra love to make sure the people bringing in the Halo money felt like they were getting a good experience and Arby wasnā€™t just being quickly thrown in with little to no fanfare. For all we know Arbyā€™s stage may be the reason why they had a little bit of extra budget lying around to throw together a stage for Gargos that wasnā€™t originally planned.

They have also put ultra stage ā€¦

Itā€™s an open forum, any personā€™s respective comments, within reason, is fine to express as they will. Letā€™s be open to otherā€™s thoughts, shall we?

Agreed.You are proving that post after post.

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@FinchoMatic is already on top of thingsā€¦letsā€™s not go back and kick the bee hive again ok?


Gonna want to see a source on this, because anyone can come in and say ā€œiirc the devs said X Y and Z.ā€

ā€¦Shadow lords? Seriously, I donā€™t get how people place so much value in stages as ā€œcontent.ā€ Itā€™s like complaining that your 18-room mansion doesnā€™t have enough different kinds of wallpaper.


Well Adam did actually say that:

Fair enough!

To be fair though, that was his response to everyone that was clamoring for a community fund to make stages for the S3 characters that didnā€™t get one.

Well unless the hourly rates have changed for the better in the past year in regards to making stages vs characters what Adam said still stands.

Now whether or not they should pursue stages at this point in the gameā€™s life as opposed to new characters is debatable, but Iā€™d say the cost ratio of stages to characters would likely still apply.

I know, Iā€™m just saying that that was his response to the community fund clamor and that it doesnā€™t necessarily have any bearing on whether theyā€™ll choose between making 2 new characters or more stages in the future.

Honestly, if they want to say that Shadow Lords was part of Season 3ā€™s content, then it should not have been FREE TO EVERYONE!

Are you actually upset that theyā€™re making more of the gameā€™s content available to everyone? Also, Iā€™m p sure you can play on any stage regardless of what characters youā€™ve bought?

Yeah. Iā€™m just playing Devilā€™s Advocate. But I am a little upset that S3 cost as much as it did, when I would have gotten Shadow Lords anyway, even if I had not bought it.