The "GGs" Thread! (AKA The Enormous Matchmaking and Rational Beef Resolution Thread)

Make a list! Take notes! Remember! :page_with_curl:

Do you see an edit pen beside my post? That I wrote 6 hours ago?

No, I didn’t edit my post. You double and triple-checked poorly. :expressionless:


It shows when you edit a post or not
he didn’t edit it at all actually lol

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HAHAHA. :laughing:

 I’m tired! So there! :sleeping:

I need a drink

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Not sure that’ll help with your reading.


For your own good Geek:

Calling names saying that people are doing somethig bad when the only bad here are your reading skills is not helping you. And not apologising about that behaviour is even worse.

Everyone can commit a mistake, no problem with that. But persisting on it, even when several people point it out, and you put excuses(editing, you are tired) just points you as childish. And we know that you are not that. So please, re consider that course of action. You are a wiser man when you recognise a mistake and apologise, not a weaker one.

Again, I say this for your own good. Believe me, I don’t type all this for other reason

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You claimed to double and triple check, accuse the guy of editing his post as if you couldn’t have been wrong, then just claim you were tired and not even apologize? This is the kind of thing that makes people see you in a bad light.

(Not applicable here but just to mention)
It doesn’t show a count if you edit within 5 minutes of posting.


Here we go another night of “The Geek Show!” 
wait for me to get my popcorn ready!


Want to play a quick set? Invite me if you like. Im heading back to the console to play so I wont be on here to check replies,

It’s actually 3 am here, so I may go to bed soon now. Maybe we can play tomorrow!

Even if I MIGHT have been wrong about Storm, that doesn’t mean I was also wrong about the others. My original point still stands.

No problem. But when you ask about (some)people not inviting you, you could get the answer from the behaviour you are showing now


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Okay. But don’t you think may be a “my bad” shout out to Storm is in order? That’s my problem here. Not even an apology, just a cheap tired excuse.

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No “might” involved - you were wrong, period. And Ostrich and Cashew didn’t even get to play him, so doesn’t make a whole hell of a lot of sense for them to have tagged someone they didn’t play with.

Is this really the hill you want to die on Geek? :confused:


Dooby presented reasonable doubt, hence the “might” that I mentioned.

You read Storm’s post well after 5 minutes from when he posted, though. So either you misread, or the edit icon would be there.

Storm also said he didn’t edit so you are kind of calling him a liar over something that really doesn’t MaTtEr AlL tHaT mUcH

< goes back into the shadows >

(edit: dang, the 3 man combo)


Tell me more why he would edit it 5 minutes when you replied to him 5 hours later. If he remembered in those 5 minutes, then what is the problem? You are wrong regardless. Stop making conspiracy theories just because you made a mistake. Apoligize and move on. *runs away

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I also mentioned that it wasn’t applicable here.

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I AM too tired for this if I missed that too. Fine, forgive and FORGET (referring to you guys here, because I don’t want to be reminded of this) and all that

@STORM179 - I’m sorry for blaming you for something you didn’t actually do.

That said, surely you guys understood the good intent I had with my original post (attempting to ensure that everyone got credit that participated), right? I remember things differently because I don’t remember who was there and who wasn’t at exact times; I only recall who was there while I was - and that was Storm, Riddles, Zcythe, Ninja, and Slender

With that in mind, GGs to all of you today.

I’m going to sleep now. Please don’t let me wake up to even more criticism about this

P.S. - see, @ADMRiddles! I told you this would happen! I try and do something nice, make an honest mistake when I open my big mouth, and then get crucified for it. No leniency here with these guys
 Tread carefully.