The "GGs" Thread! (AKA The Enormous Matchmaking and Rational Beef Resolution Thread)

Don’t lie lol you giving the young man confidence lol

GGs to @STORM179 once again for his stern lesson in the art of fundamentals and patience.

I would like to have accepted your invite but at the moment I was done playing KI for the night and the girl and I were about to watch a movie. Maybe next time… Ill hit you up if I see you on KI.

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Ggs to @CStyles45, who beat me with his great Kim Wu in ranked!


GG’s to @LemonHunter38, @nikmillz, and @DulXboxOne. Even though I wasn’t able to really come close to winning in the batter of the pro-stars, I appreciate the coaching and the tips given. @DulXboxOne it’s always fun battling, next time we’ll have to pull out our mains.


Guys and Girls, Please play the music while reading this. If you cannot, it’s ok! Continue reading.

So I took one man under my wing who required my help with the Ninja Monk, Jago. This man, endured hardships, beat downs, and tons of excecution drills. He strived to get better, and asked everything he could. He endured the brand of shame, and learned the concept of humility.

He fought through numerous trials to learn his title as master one day. Even though it was a long journey ahead of him, he endured, and pressed on. Unshaken, and stubborn to become one of the best. It was a long night. I had just got done fighting a really good Maya player. I spotted him in ranked. We had bumped into each other, something I was not expecting. We played, and while I gave my best, he won.

I challenged him to a FT5 set, and to make sure he’d put out his best, gave him something to fight for. More than honor to fight. The Legendary title of “Master.” To be his own warrior, and from here on out, he forges his own destiny.

The battle began.

And there was a victor. One who fought with honor. One who believed in the Tiger Spirit, and came out with a victory.

GGS @oTigerSpirit! I guess you aren’t my “student” in the Ostrich Dojo anymore. Go! Your path does not end here, it is just the beginning…

LMAO at this post, But seriously, GGS dude. We will play again soon. I just REALLY wanted to do this post. SO BAD. I had it in my mind for a while. :joy: And Ryu music & stuff, because there is no gif of Jago walking away, and this Ryu Piano music is Godlike XD



Lol. I told you Tiger’s Jago had become super legit! :smile:


I still have yet to fight either of you @oTigerSpirit @TheNinjaOstrich but I really want to.


[quote=“SonicDolphin117, post:2088, topic:1877, full:true”]
I still have yet to fight either of you @oTigerSpirit @TheNinjaOstrich but I really want to.
[/quote]Me too! :slight_smile:

Well, not recently in the bird’s case. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


@TheNinjaOstrich at the risk of embracing the shameless act of being at the center of attention, I would like to say that this is by far the best post I have ever read, so beautiful. :joy:

Seriously though, I want to make a video of this, using your words and a few of mine as the narration.:neutral_face:

Also, great game. You made me play at my best and truly tested me on everything I’ve learned throughout my time on KI.

You main Glacius right? He is one of the harder characters to face in the cast as a Jago, but I’m up for it!

I hope you wouldn’t mind me playing a very unique fighting style against Aganos that I developed when fighting other great Aganos mains’. I use the word unique loosely as I mainly mean defensive and somewhat lame.


GG’s to @DarkLrdChuckles very nice matches in reset city!

Oh and I gotta vs @oTigerSpirit too!

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GG to @RGLOfficial. He helped me practice with Raam against his Shago. Still, I have an ongoing issue with Raam that nobody else seems to be having - I fail at the command grab almost every time, even on wakeup, where it’s supposed to be at its best (and not because they’re jumping or in a stun-like state either; I know about those). It simply whiffs. EVERY TIME. Even worse, I watch other Raam players (RGL included) not only consistently hit me with it while seemingly doing nothing different, but also doing it from further ranges than I can. What gives!?

I try it on wakeup, after a flipout, etc. and the only time I can seem to get it to work is as a combo ender or after a blocked light stab.

Sounds pretty clear that you’re using the wrong version. The light punch version is fast and has the most range, but does less damage and has less opportunity to stomp. The heavy punch version is slightly slower but also has the shortest range, does the most damage and has the most stomp opportunity. Medium is somewhere in between.

I almost always use the light version - although that would explain why it’s hard for me to follow-up with stomps afterwards on the rare instances that I actually do hit with the command grab (seems like I always have to chase them down, despite them already being “down” unless they’re in the corner).

Your doing it too soon, delay it just a millisec.

Do the motion as they are waking up and the button press as soon as they are upright.

Just as a note, all of Raam’s grabs are the same speed (hit on frame 4). The lighter ones also actually have more frame advantage (so more time for stomps), but put you further away from the enemy as well (so you have to walk over to them).

If you’re using the light grab and whiffing in those situations @GalacticGeek, then my guess would be that you’re mistiming your meaty grabs. Delay it a touch and you should be fine.

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Lol I thought it would be hilarious, and awesome. But seriously dude, your Jago is Legit now. I’m surprised. I feel like now everytime I fight you, I better be ready for a tough match! I’d still like to show you some S3 Jago tech when we get the chance again.

If you want, I can totally narrate this. I just need to record it. Lol I’d probably use Upload studio, but I could do it. I like reading. LOL

But yeah! Go for it! If you need anything from me, you know where to find me. :slight_smile:

(Just be careful with that Ryu Piano Piece, it’s actually copyrighted)

I know, I trained him, so he had to be. :stuck_out_tongue:

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The problem with this is that against RGL Official, he was never “upright” - he would almost always wakeup into a divekick and literally disappear. I’d swear he was holding up or something, but he kept telling me that he wasn’t… I may be mistaken, but I was sure you could punish that move on startup as he disappears.

Yes, I main Glacius.

And Cinder.
And Maya.
And Omen.
And Kim Wu.
And Arbiter.


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