The Everlasting Child

My absolute favorite of the season 2 backstories. Everything feels so well meshed together (explaining her appearance, the meaning of her name, her motives etc).

Now she’s a gatekeeper. They actually managed to up her badass level (as if she wasn’t already one) All in all great story IG.


But which era in Japan was she in? The Sengoku period? Edo? Where?

@rukkizel And we get a backstory today? You spoil us :slight_smile:

Good one!!! I could really picture everything well with this story! What would be great is the trailer also posted in the same OP as each character. For those that may be new to the forum and haven’t searched out the trailers.

I must say, I really enjoyed the story, it made me actually become interested in Hisako, which had not been the case so far. The little details that explain her appearance and behavior were a huge plus in my opinion.

However, I will nitpick a couple things: There are a few sentence fragments floating around that could be easily corrected, and the ending felt a little rushed, like in the last story.

Other than those two details, excellent work and I’m glad I stayed up to read it!

Whose writing these? They deserve a raise!

I kinda want to see these stories in a cinematic form now.

Great story I always did like hisako as a character, I just can’t play her for ■■■■ lol.

A puppet show eh? :hushed: :grin:

Well this weekend would be a good one to practice…



Too bad I already have her at 50.

Hot damn, did anyone else notice how magnificent Sako looks in that picture in the blog post? It’s either a super high resolution screenshot from the PC port or the graphics change really made character models look 10x better.


Awesome story! I love all the story behind different details of her design and such. Very good! And her role in s3 sounds so awesome!! :cherry_blossom:

Looking forward to Cinder’s!


Loved it so much I shared it with my wife and she loved it too. :smile:

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why is no one talking about the last sentences. Only ARIA and Cinder left. S3 get’s released in about 2-3 weeks confirmed :slight_smile:

I am 100% sure we get the final release date and more on Thursday. So hype

I saw and was wondering this myself…

That was pretty sweet. Really love how they tied it into her outfit/sash on her weapon.

Hisako and her stage look marvelous in the blog pic!

Yes please! Continuing to reward Hisako players for sneaking those wonky jabs into their play couldn’t be a bad thing, could it? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Confirmed double xp weekend for Hisako

Would make Throw > LP > Ender much more common.

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I’d noticed that too. It’ll be interesting to see what happens as of Thursday.

Also, well-written story there. Only thing that wasn’t carified was the era of Japan, but other than that relatively minor detail (in comparison to everything else) and the slightly rushed ending, it paints a vivid picture. Now all that remains is for these stories to be converted into a fully fleshed out story mode (no reliance on text that isn’t readable to those without sight) with voice acting etc (I am aware of the budgetary constraints but it could always be financed by a community fund.

Curious to see next weeks.

■■■■, beat me to it.

I was gonna ask about this too. @rukizzel can we get any more info about this?

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