The Complete Killer Instinct Guide ( [All post-S3 chars added!]

I almost got a heart attack when i saw the two caracters i am looking forward to the most (Kim and Rash) were listed last in the “ease of use” scale. Turns out it is just missing data :slight_smile:

Just want to give a big thank you for your guide, it almost on its own got me into fighting games (this fighting game in particular) .

■■■■ that was fast!

You are a monster Infil! Thats insane!!!

Thank you for your contributions, you are awesome!!

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You should change Rash’s thing from coming soon to stay tuned.


Thanks Infil!

I look forward to reading this! Especially when the Kim Wu page goes live! :smiley:

As a newcomer who started playing yesterday, i must say that this website is helping me alot, thank you :wink:

This is, without a shadow of a doubt, the best guide for a fighting game ever created.


Im going even further: best videogame guide ever

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I mean really - could you imagine having this kind of thing when you very first picked up a FG? @Infilament is doing not only a service to the KI community, but also to future generations of FG players who will go on to win majors in the decades to come. It’s right up there with Patrick Miller’s “From Masher to Master” novella.

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Yes i can imagine, happened 2 months ago :stuck_out_tongue:

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Oh wow - I am so happy for you :smiley:

I suggested time ago that there should be a permanent link in the game’s meld directed to this guide. The combination of Dojo+Infil guide its the fastest way to undertand this game

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Honestly - a pie-in-the-sky dream of mine, is MS/IG hiring Infil as a consultant in the process of revamping their training/dojo modes. I would most likely literally weep with joy. I’m shedding manly tears just thinking about it :cry:

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Sending you a PM with a couple of correction suggestions.

Thanks, I will go over that checklist when I update Thunder’s page. As you guessed in your PM, my Thunder page isn’t updated yet. :slight_smile:

The current pages that HAVEN’T been updated for S3 are:

  • Every S1 and S2 character except Jago and Sabrewulf (and I will be putting video on JA/SW pages when I get back to it)
  • Kim Wu and Rash
  • the Reactions page (it still talks about Wulf jumping slash overhead being S2 fast)

That should be it, every other page is updated for S3 mechanics (so, all the other system pages should be good).

You know, because it’s so slow, I figured that Tusk’s Shadow Skullsplitter would be really hard for me to break, but I’ve noticed that after spending a lot of time breaking my girlfriend’s Hisako and peaking at your guide I’ve become accustomed to breaking slower, more interestingly timed shadows. It’s a good skill to have, seeing as a) I locked people out on things like Shadow Skullsplitter all the time, and b) no one seems to expect me to finish the break on moves like Shadow Lasersword or Shadow On-Ryo-Zan, so they never counter break me.

Of course, your guide has been really helpful helping me pick and choose how to handle situations, @Infilament , and @Sajam 's video was really nice as well. The reminder that I can use a shadow to connect my stagger normals has won me a fight or two. You guys are great! Keep it up!

Hey @Infilament is the shadow move frame data you have up for both the linker and neutral versions? I ask because I’m trying to test which shadow moves you can shadow counter before the fifth hit with the new faster shadow counters and your guide says Sabrewulf’s shadow ragged edge has 10 frames between each hit, but I can only successfully shadow counter hits 2,3,4, and 5. If I shadow counter hit 1 then I trade with hit 2 meaning there are 9 frames between the first and second hit instead of 10 like the rest.

Arbiter’s Mercy’s Demise also says there’s 6 and 5 frame gaps between the first and second hit, and the third and fourth hit, yet I can still successfully shadow counter between those.

They are for the linker version only, although I wouldn’t be surprised if the frame data was similar for many of the opener versions. This is especially true of most characters after S1; in S1 it seems most characters had different timing for opener vs linker version of shadow moves (Jago laser sword, Orchid firecat, etc) but it’s much less common since IG started building the game.

The main thing is, I think, the breakable windows for shadow moves might not exactly coincide with the active frames of each move. I think there are some shadow moves where you can break when there isn’t an active frame, or there’s an active frame but you can’t break it yet. I don’t have absolute proof of this since I didn’t look at hitboxes when doing my breaker trainer, but it’s a suspicion I have. (In particular, I think the breaker window extends past the active frames for each hit in many cases. So when it seems there is only a 5 frame gap, the active frames of the previous hit probably expired earlier.)

Every character has had their “best counter breaker” combos section updated! This includes all 4 new Season 3 characters!

Some characters didn’t change (Jago, Cinder, Hisako come to mind). Some characters kept the same combo, but the damage number changed because their enders do slightly lower damage now. But many characters have brand new combos that take advantage of higher damaging shadow linkers (Aganos now hits very hard), or the fact that it’s better to spend the meter on shadow linkers instead of shadow enders now (Sabrewulf, Glacius, others). ARIA’s combo changed entirely because Explosive Arc linkers are now much slower, but she ends up getting within about 1% of her old damage so it’s not that bad.

Go check it out and make sure you’re doing the best combos possible!

(As for other site progress, I have been taking a much needed break. I will get back to working on Kim/Rash pages this week, as well as updating the rest of the S1/S2 characters pages to match with their S3 additions)


Rash has a more damaging combo than the ones listed for 1 meter and 2 meters.
HP > Light Boot > HP > Light Ram > Shadow Ram > Big Boot Ender = 52%
HP > Light Boot > HP > Light Ram > Shadow Ram > Shadow Big Boot = 61%

(Also I just want to point out how much easier the PC version makes testing stuff out. Having the lab minimized while browsing the guide or the forums is amazing!)

Thanks, updated! I thought I had tested all combinations of boot + ram linkers but I guess I missed that one.