The Bored at Work Thread!

what in the ■■■■ LOL

goddamn that is indeed truly weird. you know, people are fucked up man. everybody getting together to go piss in the restroom. lmao learning about business from the crapper, i hope thompson wrote that down HAHAHA

very very late edit: i read this response and i cant help but hear BEEP! with all the words getting censored.

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I got called in to sub late today. My work day usually goes from 8 a.m. - 2 p.m.; today I didn’t have to be there until 11 a.m.! Even better, the principal offered to pay me for the full day! :smiley:


today was first day at school for the little ones, i was installing TVs at an elementary and i heard a few crying from home sickness. today was the blackest of mondays for those poor little souls, the blackest of the black. the most brutal monday of them all…THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL. rofl

My evening just went sour…

I was doing an automated online course where I have to listen to a lecture with slides and take notes. It’s the most asinine online course I’ve ever taken. I was nearly done with it when I got the family call to go eat dinner. When I came back, the course had timed out and FAILED to save my info, so I have to sit and re-listen to the entire course AGAIN! Even worse, there is no option to skip ahead AND you’re required to “press a button” to go to the next page, which requires that I stay there and am forced to listen to it all over again. I’m about to go insane…

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morning minions, its tuesday. had a good night’s rest though went to sleep later than usual. was up watching maximilian’s stream for a bit while chatting away on the phone. dont know what today’s agenda is yet, but nothin major on our plate…yet

This mornings agenda…coffee…very stong coffee… Americano…extra shot… straight

Office Lesson of the Day: Devaluation of a product begins at the sales pitch.

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Watched Ant-Man last night, pretty good movie, but it wasn’t the best choice. I didn’t get home until 1 and I had to be at work at 5. Won’t be my first tired day at work


Ugh… Another night having a beyotch of a time getting to sleep. Been that way for months now. Trying to remember the last time I got more than four hours of sleep at a time.

Ah well, on the bright side, the office seems to be moving at a steady pace today as opposed to an overflow pace. It’s always nice when you can get stuff done without having twenty other things thrown at you. :grin:

That said… I’m still bored (AF) at work. The weekend can’t come fast enough. One of my closest buddies is coming in from out of town this weekend and I’m really psyched for that. Going to have a few friends over, fantasy football draft, pizza, beeer (seriously, beeer with two e’s is bleeped out!?), might get the new Madden for that, and then a Cubs game on Monday. Can’t wait!!


I’m gonna be picking up the Gears remaster after work today, so, R.I.P. any chances of me sleeping this week

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im a lucky guy, in various ways. yesterday after lunch i was gonna park my car under a tree to give it some shade since its been brutally hot. but something in the back of my mind made me go park it out in the open. later yesterday afternoon a storm out of the blue was coming in (and it didnt rain 1 fu cking inch) and knocked the tree down where i wouldve parked! holy ■■■■, that wouldve been disastrous. im not a rich guy, my automotive hobby is reliant on me having a daily driver. without it, im screwed. i need a car i can just get into and go without having to worry bout other things. damn

also lago, i been there before man. reeeefer helps you to sleep but i know you prolly gotta be clean so dont start lol. some people take unisom to help themselves sleep. why dont you try exercising and stuff if you dont already? do things to tire yourself out and put you under without any choice. lack of sleep ages you faster and messes with you adversely

Benadryl can knock you out too.

Mmmmmmm, 6 wins in a row, maybe I shouldn’t stop until I lose…

Next morning, wake up alarm rings

Fuc k


I never want to stop playing either…next thing i know its 1am and i told myself I was gonna stop at 11pm

Xanax bars will help you sleep! lol

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Lmao might as well recommend him some oxy while you’re at it

Edit L.m.a.o


Off to Wal Mart.

This should be fun. :no_mouth:

so i saw a mad max post on FB that said wal-mart has fury road on blu-ray. i didnt bother reading the rest of the post so i went and hauled ■■■ to the ■■■■■■ store to go buy it. when i got there i saw it was available 9/1. i was a sad sad war boy.
no witnessing for me, no dying historic on the fury road


Sounds like me with the Symphony X album! lol. Speaking of albums, KI sound tack has complete taken over my music life…its all i listen too…nothing else…Omen!!!l I might have to bus iut the ole guitar and play some KI tunes for fun :smiling_imp:

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lol havin fun i see! man today was a weird ■■■ morning, it was a multiple car pile up waiting to happen on the road to the office today. for some reason the next several cars in front of me decided to all play musical chairs with middle left and right lanes all before a stop light WHILE rushing. i just put my brakes on and hung back awaiting for a show to happen.

well they had angels on their shoulders so nothin took place, but it sure was a nailbiter. i swear, people in my area are just terrible drivers, they’re a liability to themselves and everyone in the general vicinity.