No. You should playing Shadow Lord on GODLIKE difficulty!
Does this mean there’s a playable version of Eyedol with is head still in one piece?
Well to be fair we don’t have access to Jago’s VA anymore (or any of the S1 VAs for that matter) due the DH buyout.
That being said thanks for the OP taking your time to write this. Even though I watched the whole stream, it still to a solid write-up so I can see specific points easier.
Actually, not everyone. Adam Isgreen said that some of the S1 voice actors could still be hired again to voice their characters. Obviously we can’t get Mike back for Jago. But Ken Lobb voiced Thunder so we could still have him. And who knows about the other characters?
Guess only time will tell but until I’ll take it with a grain of salt. Since the key word is “some” and not all
remembers Jago’s my favorite character this saddens me.
Man this mode is gonna be tons of fun. It’s gonna be a blast. I want those unlockables!!
Really hope they’ll be say three additional colours to unlock per character besides mimic skins
I know about the DH buyout. It’s a shame in terms of VA talent for this game. However, Thanks for pointing it out for those who don’t know.
Interesting idea, though I don’t think that’ll be the case. It’ll probably be more about how Kan-Ra found and revived him I would think.
Man, I have stayed away from ALL Shadow Lords info to keep it a Surprise for me, so I can be blown away when I play it. However, the Devs aren’t making this easy. I’m literally struggling to keep from watching streams and such
im on the same boat as you, I WILL NOT BE TEMPTED xD
We will suffer together
LOL It’s so hard. It will be worth it though!
Damn it, every time I see gameplay of SL I get more and more impatient to play it…
I hope early access “next week” doesn’t mean it starts on Friday.
Crosses fingers for Monday
Thanks for all your work in typing this up. I like the idea of Eyedol being serious about serving ‘NO ONE!’. He’s about to go on strike sometimes i guess, lol
Yeah, that’s one of the biggest questions I have too.
Shaders sound like maybe something separate from character colors, like maybe the mimic particle effects or something.
Or perhaps something like making the character darker or lighter colored. Like turning it from a lime-green to a forest green, or from a baby blue to navy blue
Yeah, something is going on. Maybe they’re going to be a fourth equippable slot.
Actually, I just thought of something. Since we can unlock new visual pieces, will we be able to use them online before SL comes out? I’d love to show off the Riptor Mimic Skin in ranked.
Could Shaders be a name for another color set like the mimic colors?