Not likely, they said there were other colors to unlock so I don’t know why they would then say shaders as well. Unless he just misspoke and said shaders once and colors the other time.
Well that sucks.
But it still takes too long though.
Yeah, they need to shorten it and change the angles so it looks more like the version from the season 2 finale trailer.

Oh yeah, that’s even better.
Some of those green skins look good in motion. Wulf, Cinder, Aria, and Riptor are my favorites.
The way they were talking about it they didn’t sound opposed to the idea of an arcade mode, just that it currently wasn’t in the works.
That camera angle in the Aria stage ultra gif is a good example of “good cheesy” vs “bad cheesy” (ie, what is currently in the game).
You can be a cheeseball and enjoy the campy stuff, but there are degrees of success to that. Nobody is against the cheesiness factor of the stage ultra, but I do think there is a legit complaint to be had about how bad it looks right now, and how much better it could look with some camera angle tweaks.
Again, I prefer the way it is now, but that’s just me.
Lol! Kan Ra announcer I am surprised I like that idea
Why can’t season 1 Va be rehired for like an hour or two?
That would actually be pretty awesome, though Gargos would be to. Since we already have one for the season 2 boss.
Just depends on if they’re available, or maybe they can’t work for another company under their current working arrangement. If they are Double Helix employees it would be a conflict of interest for them to do work for Microsoft.
I’m travelling and I couldn’t watch the stream, nor can I even figure out how to get the archive to work. What the heck is Beam anyway?
Regardless, I wanted to give a big thanks to @xCrimsonLegendx for putting this up here. Really appreciated.
I don’t really see why people are so obsessed with the voice overs. I think the text is fine.
Beam is a twitch like service I believe which was been recently aquited by MS, if I’m not mixing things up.
Might end up being Microsofts own twitch service…
So we might expect a new app on xbox soon.
Thanks, I actually knew that I was just using hyperbole to make a point. Shouldn’t they maybe make the app available before they jump into streaming from it? Anyway…
Hyped about the idea of Ultimates possibly coming.
Ho già un’idea che potrebbe piacere a tutti quanti:
La modalità sarà in single player, e potremo creare delle piccole squadre di combattenti (3 se non sbaglio) per affrontare la scalata fino a Gargos.
Sarebbe una bella cosa se le sfide del singolo lottatore si riflettessero sulle sue potenzialità in tale modalità, quindi un lottatore con 220 sfide risulterebbe essere al massimo della sua potenza.
Nel caso in cui non si disponga ancora di 220 sfide per il proprio lottatore, il giocatore dovrebbe sfruttare tutte le possibilità e le modalità del gioco per raggiungerle e ottenere così dei vantaggi in Shadow lords, quindi avremmo in primis qualcosa che ti spinga a giocare l’intero KI dalla modalità sopravvivenza alle classificate, e quindi qualcosa che non ti faccia trascurare le altre modalità, come avvenuto con il laboratorio ombra, di cui sempre a tal proposito, utilizzerei i punti ombra in Shadow Lords come denaro per gli acquisti, invece del solo denaro reale.
A mio parere tutto il gioco potrebbe partecipare in Shadow Lords in modo indiretto, tutte le modalità si ritroverebbero legate fra loro e questo svilupperebbe longevità, che non è una caratteristica da sottovalutare oggi giorno per un gioco, specialmente se è un picchiaduro, genere che pecca sempre in longevità.
cosa ne pensate voi?
I have an idea that might appeal to everyone:
The mode will be single player, and we can create small teams of fighters (3 if I remember correctly) to tackle the climb up to Gargos.
It would be great if the challenges of the single fighter will reflect on its potential in that mode, then a wrestler with 220 challenges would be at its maximum power.
In the event that something that you do not yet have 220 challenges to his wrestler, the player should use all the possibilities and modalities of the game to reach them and obtain advantages in Shadow Lords, then we would have to play the first of push 'entire KI from survival mode to classified, and therefore something that does not make you neglect the other modes, as was the case with the laboratory shadow, of which more in this regard, i would use the points shadow shadow Lords as money for purchases, instead of only real money.
In my opinion the whole game could participate in Shadow Lords indirectly, all modes would find themselves bound together and this would develop longevity, which is not a feature to be underestimated day today for a game, especially if it’s a fighting game, a genre that sins always longevity.
what do you think?
I’m doing a little categorizing of the info in the first post, hope it helps.
It was actually dual streamed to Twitch. Archive is here