Tendencies That Keep Us From Getting Better

Not at all. Sadira isn’t a joke or scrub character. KI tiers tiers are too compressed to apply to what this list is talking about IMO.

Lol @Sasuke99I. If you want we can, though the last few times we’ve played the connections have been really bad for some reason :sweat:


Is there a dp option ?


6 is my biggest failure, followed by 2 and 7.

Also 8 is usually present. I tend to like low tier chars. Not because they are low tier, it’s just something which happens XD

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But you play gargos .kappa



And Aganos. And Raam

And Hugo. And Q

And Bane

And Tager

Also controversial opinion: Gargos is middle-low tier IMO

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I disagree with 8 but only half way: Nothing wrong eith liking weak characters. But I do agree with everything else. Lol

I got one more that’s more KI speceific: “Doesn’t wanna use different Auto-Double/Manuals/Counter Breakers to stop breaking.”

As for me if I were to see why my tendecies don’t improve; 2 Doesn’t happen often, but when it does, oh boy do you get a rude awakening.

Wouldn’t say your opinion is controversial if our community tier list agrees with you lol

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I forgot to add “Kappa”

I was actually joking. :stuck_out_tongue:

But having said that, it IS much harder to win with Sadira now than it was in S1 and S2. During S2 I averaged within the top 150 to 200 with an average monthly score of 15,000 to 18,000 points. In S3 I seem to be stuck between 500 to 600 with an average score of 8000. So the grind is real.

In truth, I’m always improving, and I see that in the fact that people that used to destroy me, now slightly destroy me. :stuck_out_tongue:

There are certain match ups that I have a lot more trouble with, namely, Cinder, Glacius, and of course Gargos.

I know, but a lot of people seems to confuse “frustrating to deal” with “powerful”

Gargos is “frustrating to deal”, but very abusable

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In general, no. But again, if your primary goal is to win, then you are kind of shooting yourself in the foot by doggedly sticking to an unviable character.

Don’t get me wrong - there are absolutely reasons to learn an “unviable” character, not least of which is that the community can often be quite wrong about whether or not the character is actually “bad”. There can be a lot of value in learning to play a character that’s lacking certain tools - not having a DP or good backdash can teach you better blocking for instance, and playing a low damage character can teach you the value of resets or in earning multiple openings. But at the same time, a character’s limitations can absolutely hold you back if they are too pronounced, and that is something that you should accept if your goal is to win as much as possible against the absolute best.

The list is sufficiently broad that I don’t think it really needs “KI specific” criteria. A refusal to meaningfully adapt combo options has shades of several of the list’s items, including reliance on flow charty (or muscle memory-based) play (no.2), refusal to respect situations where the opponent retains agency (no.9), having a narrow field of vision (no.13), and not thinking from the opponent’s point of view (no.18).

@SoSRaGnArOk - I 100% agree that Sadira is harder to win with now than in previous seasons, and in general I think she has to work very hard for her damage at high level. I merely disagree with the idea that she is anything approaching a “joke” or “troll” character. The character is disadvantaged in some MU’s, but she isn’t unviable.

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I’d say 2, 16, 17 and 18 are probably my biggest weaknesses.

I actually tend to autopilot when number 16 (low patience) comes in to play. Oh what’s that? You blocked my blade demon? I better LK in to blade demon seven more times in hopes that you’ll eventually decide that whole “blocking” thing’s not for you and I can just open you up.

I also tend to rely too much on certain moves or strings when I’m pressured or frustrated and I stop letting the match come to me. Instead of reading and reacting or simply trying to play my game, I tend to go for my go-to moves too often and I become exceedingly predictable, as I’m sure anyone playing against my hopping Sadie can attest. :slight_smile:

It’s strange, when I was relatively good at Tekken way back when, I was a lot better at reading the opponent, thinking from their point of view and anticipating what they’d do next, and I’ve never been able to get to that level in this game, at least not to a great extent.

Yeah, if it’s low level stuff, someone’s spamming this or that, I can adapt and respond, but against someone with a game plan, who’s highly adaptable, aggressive, and knows how to mix up their approach, their autos, etc?

I’m terrible at thinking the game at a higher level against these people and I can fall in to a “this is a good, safer move, try this and hope for the best” mentality which can lead me toward autopilot and predictability.

The good news is that I tend to approach high level players the way I approach golf. I don’t expect to do well, so I don’t get frustrated when I fail to hit eighteen consecutive holes in one, or even when I slice the ball at a near 90 degree angle. Of course, I play golf like once every three years and I play this just about every day, but still…

I’ve been trying a lot more lately to improve upon these weaker aspects of may game. I’ve been trying to have more confidence in my ability and to utilize a variety of tools and ways I can approach or react with specific tools to the point where I can slow down a bit, watch what my opponent’s doing and really take in how they approach certain situations and what they’re trying to do and think about what I can do on my end to counter that.

Or more simply put, actually see the chess match as its unfolding rather than just attack attack attack, start a combo, get in a combo, get in another combo, etc.

I find that the more I’m able to do this, the less frustrated I become, even if action 1, reaction 1, reaction 2, action 2 etc all don’t work in my favor. I become much more accepting of the fact that the opponent outplayed me and I spend more time thinking of what I could’ve done from both an execution standpoint as well as an approach standpoint rather than getting angry, which I know serves no purpose, especially in something that’s supposed to be fun.

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Lmao I am sooo guilty of almost all of these. My two favorites are even Spinal and Cinder, lol. In Mortal Kombat I play Scorpion. Lots of high risk/high reward characters.

Though I tend to use a lot of heavies and the same combos repeatedly to try and bait combo breaking autopilots so I can counter breaker. I do the same stuff and if I see my opponent tends to break my combo at the same hit every time… counter breaker time. They either get counter breakered (bad for them), stop breaking my combos (very bad for them), or they pick a new spot to combo break and I try to figure that out to begin tbe cycle anew. Does not always work but I’ve had some success with it since I only play the AI and local games against friends that are casuals so…

I’d say I suffered from 2, 6, 9, 16, 17, and 19. All of which proved detrimental in my playstyle. It wasn’t until fairly recently either, just before I quite before I realized Jago’s optimal combo actually amazing and something I avoided for whatever reason. Moreover, I just enjoyed playing stupid, sort of a thing I found enjoyable, but intended to keep me from getting better - so to speak.

This was always a big problem for me in SF4. I tried many, many characters, including quite a few top tiers–yun, cammy, akuma, e.roo, seth–but none of them ever clicked as well as dee jay did. Whenever I played it was a choice between playing a character that I had to play sort of off-kilter from the start, or going into the match with…well, with dee jay.

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I got 11 and 16.

Hmmm, tell me if you think this falls under #16 or #18: restlessness.

Basically, the opposite of #2–having trouble recognizing when what you’re doing is working. Focusing too much on mixing things up rather than pressing situations that have proven to be difficult for your opponent to deal with.

Neither seems right. Maybe opposite number #14.

Many if not all of those apply to me, and maybe an additional one: fear of challenging those with much greater skill or rank. Pro Killer up next in a lobby? Save me Spectate Button!

Well, with regards to a fear of challenging high rank players, that should be less of a problem. If you do wanna sharpen your skills, this is something youd need to do eventually, right?

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Nobody has said #18. I think #18 is a VERY GREAT tool to adapt if you plan on succeeding in any competitive fighting game.

Out of all of these things i want this the most. Our literally is the difference between a high grade player and good player.