This concept has been brough up many times on the forums, and has not been widely received well at all.
Too much complication and extra work for a fight which has already come to its conclusion. As I have said many times, this would be like interrupting a Fatality after you’ve been decapitated; doesn’t really make sense and would be extremely jarring.
I disabled my taunt button entirely just the other day after a friend of all people complained about me doing it too much (I do it regularly in between rounds as a bad habit and as somewhat of a victory pose, not so much as to insult others). Now that I can’t taunt, though, it feels weird for me to look at my character just standing there like a wall. I like putting them up with Aganos, but don’t want to be 1 - makes the character feel kind of lifeless, IMO, which is the opposite of what he represents. Also, I worry about how disabling the taunt button will affect Shadow Lords mode once it releases.
I kind of see what you’re saying. Interrupting the first ultra would be silly. However, three things:
Interrupting multi-ultras is only a possibility when the winner wants to add a second or third ultra into their win. Leaving the ultra count at one makes the win a definite. If you want to rub it in with more than one ultra, however, be prepared to defend your arrogance.
TJ Combo interrupts ultras (even the first ultra) with his instinct, and then resets to “danger” level health. If that doesn’t ruin the game, how would breaking combos in between ultras in an unnecessary string of ultras ruin the game?
Ultra combos don’t kill characters. They’re still breathing after they’re knocked down. I don’t see how it would be like interrupting a fatality in MK. You’d need to reattach limbs and heads to make it work in MK. No such complication in KI.
I think you’re missing my point a little bit. Ultras end the game IMMEDIATELY as soon as they are activated, with the SOLE exception of TJ’s Last Breath. They may not literally kill the character, but your lifebar is empty/gone right when the Ultra starts. It doesn’t matter how many Ultras are done to you, there is no good reason you should be able to get back in the game the way this has been proposed (and not just your proposal, but all the previous ones).
On the subject of TJ’s Last Breath, it isn’t player controlled, happens instantly and automatically, and his lifebar never goes away. It’s a unique mechanic for him, and making any character able to break out of multi-ultras steals a lot of that uniqueness away.
I don’t like to type anything which can equate to a “get good” comment, but the best way to prevent multiple Ultras being done to you is to make sure you win. As soon as you lose it is the winner’s show; Ultras aren’t a bug, and being able to juggle/combo/Instinct cancel and multi-Ultra is an intended feature, ever since S1. If you’re annoyed by multiple Ultras I suggest only playing with friends under the agreement that multi-Ultras are off limits, or just adjusting your mjndset and accepting that it’s something which will happen on occasion.
As I said, this discussion has been done to death a dozen times over on here, and always stems from the same few points. Games like SF and MK restrict movement and actions after taking a lifebar or winning a match, but KI is different and things like double Ultras are intentional.
This is false. All the player that’s performing the ultra has to do is to activate instinct mid-ultra, and their opponent has the opportunity to fight again, so no, their lifebar is NOT gone at the start of an ultra - they still have 1-14% health to work with. I’ve seen it happen before, and this is kind of what I’m simply proposing with the break opportunity prior to the ultra. It wouldn’t really change much, IMO. It just gives the defender that last chance break and makes it slightly harder for the attacker to pull off an ultra.
I’d love to see video of that, because the lifebar disappears as soon as the first Ultra is triggered. I have never seen it come back after an Instinct Cancel.
While I don’t have video of it myself, I have seen it. It’s either already been posted on these forums somewhere, or a friend sent a clip to me (I don’t recall which).
One of the things I think a lot of you guys wanting to nerf the multi-ultras is forgetting is that in essence if you’re playing the game competitively as I am now they’re not really for us. Multi-ultras are for the noobs who come into KI fresh and are able to see the spectacle of how high of a finishing combo they can do. Hell, when I started playing this KI and found out you could pull off 100+ hit combos it was blowing my mind, even more so when I finally pulled one off. Not every aspect of the game is catered specifically for the competitive scene, and that’s ok. New blood’s gotta start somewhere, and the more eye candy they can get until they’ve got gud the better.
I agree with your idea. In theory, multi-ultras seem like fatalities. Once you have the experience to have seen them a bunch of times, you no longer want to bother with them.
However, I get multi-ultra’d frequently in Killer by people ranked far higher than I am. I don’t think the urge to rub salt in wounds is a function of inexperience.
Well, one way they could fix that is make it to where if you’re playing on a killer vs killer match (maybe gold too) Ultras are limited to one, but for any other part of the game you’re free to do them as you see fit.
That’s a cool idea. I’ve been thinking it would be funny if you could break the recapture strings in between ultras. You’d hear a Krusty-the-Clown-style laugh and a “boi-oi-oi-oi-oing” sound instead of the usual breaker sounds. Then, salt would pour from the sky and bury the one who was trying to multi-ultra. Then the announcer would chuckle “ultra-breaker” and sad trombone would play. Maybe you’d have to break successfully twice during the recapture string for the ultra-breaker to happen.
That would be really, really satisfying. Kind of like a way to bring humiliations back to the game.
I still want a 1 break requirement prior to being able to start an ultra. That would make it harder to do ultras to begin with, gives the defender a bit more life to work with, since they can break the combo prior to the ultra, and would make it so we see fewer ultras across the board, since with each successful break, the offender will have less life to work with.