Stagger and flipout should never been introduced

Want to play a character that rewards fundamentals? Tusk. With Tusk you can get far with the smart 2D stuff. Punishes super hard with just limbs. Also, you can skip alot of the “combo mindgames”. With tusk it almost feels liKe im playing SFV

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I know exactly what you are trying to say. I have felt like this, too.

KI feels like 2 people just throwing out special moves the WHOLE match, with no footsies, and the only real way to guarantee a win is to be better at breaking and mind games.

But you have to trust me, this is ONLY at low-tier and mid-tier matches.

In ranked,
BRONZE players usually dont understand the game very well,
SILVER players just throw out special moves and guess break all day,
GOLD players understand special moves VERY well, but dont really play footsies.
KILLERS are the only ones who play footsies.
(This has obviously changed a TON with the rank reset recently)

When you get to higher-tier players, the ENTIRE game is full of footsies. Once you FULLY understand your character and your opponents character, and they FULLY understand their character and your character, spamming special moves does not work any more. Once you get to this point, you will see BRAND NEW gameplay start to happen. (Things that you see commonly in other games). Things like counter-hit set-ups, normal whiff punishes, crush counters, dash chases, option selects, and more.

If you are having trouble with the breaker system, and mind-games, then you need to learn them better. Most games START with footsies, and end with mind-games, but Killer instinct does it backwards. That is what makes KI special. If you learn KI’s systems one-at-a-time, you will find the gameplay you are looking for soon, and you will find that these systems make the footsies even MORE fun than in any other fighting game!


that’s exactly my thought . Cause they killed in damage all original cast to boost aganos and hisako .
Look at sadira ?how can be someone so hardly nerfed??? Just because too much haters was on her and look at the wulf OMG. Now aganos is even more speed than tUsk and maya thing I cannot understand + extra damages wtf???. Something I can’t understand too. But I understand wellike aganos is there own wuk and hisako too that’s why.

They Should NERF People At The Same Way GHEY Did WITH GLACIUS. Cause GLACIUS is just very balanced now . But I’m sorry for the rest u need to be a professional to play the way IG wants u to play.
Sadira instead anymore accessible to beginner cause u are now on obligation to jumps all the round ( thing no everybody did) she has to many way to to play her before now we are just limited to for juggle. (That’s my though)

And also the stagger and the flip out wasn’t necessary to everyone . That should made the diferrence cause no everyone like that. But once again they force us to play on a another way. That’s just bad to me . I spend S1 and S2 times to learn my characters then now because of some haters we have to reneging everything " don’t they think sometimes there is people with occupations??? We cannot all us live staying after a non stop changing game characters style. I feel very bad for it

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So you want the emphasis to shift to footsies, which would somehow mean less mind games? :expressionless: You don’t understand footsies.


He probably doesn’t know what footsies are.

Glacius is blanched now? I disagree completely, I think he’s better than he’s ever been before.

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That’s a typing fault I mean “”“BALANCED”"":sweat_smile:
pretty good balanced lol thank u to noticed it friend. He’s to me the best NERF ever had cause he don’t really lost damage that’s just the way to play him changes . He’s really good now much better than before . I’ve been forced to come back on him cause he was my first main in KI.
That Could Be GOOD If THEY Did The Same NERF ING As Him To All Cast . So we don’t really feel lost


Oh my bad then lol, but to me I think all the nerfs and buffs given seem pretty balanced through out the whole cast except for maya. Her dagger ender seems like it’s at a complete disadvantage now, if you get hit once the daggers disappear and once she lands the ender it leaves her so close to the opponent and takes a couple of seconds for it to activate.

I hope they could search something else instead for maya daggers cause now she’s pretty slow even aganos is faster then her and he’s a tank golem !!! I M so lost with that s3 that’s like they force people’s to play aganos ot glacis or the 4 new one . Very bad

I think he means more predetermined flowchart-line mindgames as opposed to less discreet ones with involvement of range and timing that has more variables with their “values” not limited to 2-3 possible ones each. Can’t really comment on that because it’s not like neutral game took a hit because of flipouts/stagger - those things happen only in combos/pressure situations or maybe when neutral game is concluded with a good hit already.

I don’t understand a lot of things about what OP tries to say tbh, but introduction of flipout is something I - in theory - can’t really get behind as I’m not that much of a fan of what’s basically an opposite of neutral game. But on the other hand, we’ve kind of gotten more neutral moments with breaker changes, so there’s that.

As for “you don’t have to use them” argument, it’s honestly a strange thing to say. When people dislike things like that, it’s mostly because they don’t like gameplay of being on a receiving end - defending even more mixups, or getting full combo’d off a stagger hit, or something. Telling people “don’t use it then” is basically suggesting them to gimp their game while they will still be fully exposed to what’s so frustrating for them.

In the end though it’s in the game, and you can either adapt or stop playing. In some rare cases you can make an argument against it ofc, but sure you can’t expect others to take “arguments” like “I don’t like it” or “it shouldn’t have been changed” with no elaboration on negative effects of such changes seriously.

Fools. Bunch of people claming S1 characters are weak as a Jago only player takes the last KI Pro-Cup tournament. You want to be oldschool elite, talk about footsies like you actually can play them yourself. How about you adopt the other aspect of the oldschool Elite mentality- ADAPT. Spacing matters in this game plain and simple, if you don’t understand that then you shouldn’t be talking about footsies in the first place because you clearly don’t understand them.

I’m going to go out on a limb and suggest that this troll has been fed enough.


I’m honestly surprised that this thread gained so much traction. The original post and many posts that followed provided no substantial basis of argument and were barely articulated.

Folks - the nostalgia glasses don’t make you look any cooler, especially when they’re this foggy.

And anyone who thinks that smart neutral game doesn’t matter in KI is playing the game at a very base level.


I said what i said no need to continue aruging nothing anyoe says will change my opinion

So then what was the point of this thread if you weren’t even going to consider other people’s opinions(including one of the devs) on the matter and try to see how they see it?

I’m having a hard time discerning exactly what it is that you’re trying to say, to be perfectly honest.

You’ve erroneously implied that DH made a game closely parallel to the original KI; you’ve erroneously implied that IG is the sole cause of this iteration of KI’s distance from the original; you’ve bemoaned the modernizations to the combat system, while stating that you wish the game had more emphasis on footsies, which the original KI was most certainly not well known for.


This so hard. Lol! I’ve been playing Tusk exclusively in ranked, and his ‘out of combo’ / general 2D fundamental game, is the best. If you really want to see some simple, standard, fundamental Tusk play, watch UltraDavid and the way he plays:

I’m kind of jelous in a way. He seemingly made it to killer just on his SF knowledge (which I don’t have) thus his gameplay, and gameplan, prove the point that the fundamentals are strong with this one.


(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)


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Because DH didn’t totally turn KI’s mechanics on their heads when they made the base game?

My heart warms up seeing this vid. No clutter the first two matches and actually refreshing to see his playstyle (no knock on KI, though)