Sonic 25th Anniversary stream (7/22)

It’s just a US version of Eggman Boss Battle. That was one of the things that spurred the Creepypasta Sonic stuff. It’s just creepy in a way, compared to the peppy, JPN version that sounds more like a Sonic game.

My sonic name is Gold The Eggman… I’m not happy with “Eggman” because it’s worst name! :sob:

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Knuckles The Edgehog. :grin:

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Maxresdefault(2).jpg The Hedgehog

At least i got “Hedgehog”!

I was happy about that, but then i found out what “Maxresdefault(2).jpg” means…

This is the image that comes up when you search it:

Which is a screenshot from the WORST scene in the Sonic Boom TV show. So bad, it became a “meme” apparently.

so yeah… sucks to suck.

(Yes, i watched the Sonic Boom TV show… ALL of the first Season… Fight me about it. :smiley: )



May have watched it too… :no_mouth:


It was pretty bad,

but when i thought about it, a TON of shows are like that. Even the most popular shows have episodes that are hard to watch, so i guess its ok.

It had enough good episodes, that i will be watching the 2nd Season for sure.

Sonic Boom TV show is great. The writing is really well done and funny.

It’s the only good thing that’s come out of Sonic Boom so far…unfortunately.

Now, im not trying to start anything…

I was REALLY surprised by the comedy and writing in some places of the show (in a good way).
But the places where it fails… it fails so hard that i wont even re-watch some episodes.

I think a nice “Average” is a good enough score in the writing / comedy department.

Where i think the show really shines, is in its ability to make a whole new “universe” like-able. All the things i THOUGHT i would hate about the show have turned out great. I love the new settings, character designs (EXCEPT KNUCKLES), Sticks, and even the background characters.

Of course there’s some cheesy stuff, but come on, it’s a Saturday morning cartoon.

Some of the jokes are just really thought out and self aware IMO.

EDIT: I’ll admit I stopped keeping up after Season 1. I should get around to S2 when I have time.

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