Something's missing

Maybe rhetorical but I’m still gonna answer that: It depends on the duration of the stay. If you have a guest coming to stay for the afternoon, absolutely not. But a couple of months, maybe years? It might be nice to not make them sleep on the couch and rely on fast food eaten elsewhere for sustenance. It may be nice to get them their own bedroom, and towels…especially if they’re helping you pay your bills… instead of constantly reminding them that it’s not their house, they don’t live there, and you’re in charge.

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Hey, at least you HAVE the mode, TC … I can’t even try it.

I don’t agree with this at all.

Off top, the guest characters being in the game is whatever. they are here, they are fun…Ok. BUT you have to agree that them having little to no reason for being in the game other than “to get eyes on the game irl” is kind of lame. I hate the fact that half the DLC in MKX DLC were guest characters, but at least they had proper endings and bios. In that respect they were full MK characters even though they weren’t in the canon lore, you can’t say the same about the KI guest characters.

And in regards to your rhetorical question, you are starting from the wrong premise. Sticking with your house analogy, the “guests” in the theoretical KI “home” came over uninvited, and are here acting like they belong, but have no real purpose for being there. Sure they play well with the other characters, and can be fun to talk to/play with in their own right, but still…what are they doing here?

Having a simple story line in SL (nothing extravagate…just something) would go a long way with a lot of people. It would also give many people who care nothing, and know nothing, about them, to learn something (in-game), and would tie them to this KI game in some meaningful way.

FYI: The guest characters have “origin dossiers” in SL mode already. I haven’t unlocked any of them yet (I’m really looking forward to reading them though), so they at least have “something” in the game as is. That being said though, having some actual lore for these characters in the context of KI would be better.

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How are you able to see this forum if you aren’t in the SL preview?

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I am super magical. Nah, dunno really.

Point made, just trying to be funny :blush:

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[quote=“UncappedWheel82, post:23, topic:14302”]
The guest characters have “origin dossiers” in SL mode already. I haven’t unlocked any of them yet (I’m really looking forward to reading them though), so they at least have “something” in the game as is.
[/quote] I’ve unlocked a couple

There’s nothing special to them, simply a quick “This is what this character does in his world.” Which is fine, but it’s kinda underwhelming, if you ask me.

ok correction. The uninvited, unwanted, and non contributing guest.

It’s been a while since I’ve played MK. When Jason,or Freddy Krueger guest stared in the game. Did they get back stories to the them into the MK cannon?

I’m looking forward to reading them too, I haven’t found them yet either.

Good question. I thought only the testers could access this forum

I thought @rukizzel said at the beginning of the beta somewhere, that because of something something, he might just make the SL forums public…

Edit: Here is the quote from Rukari

Feel free to pay the code forward if you cannot use it. Only thing that will be missing is the access to the private forum. Actually, I may just make it public now since EVERYONE who signed up got in this wave.

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Freddy was in MK9, and yeah, he had a bio, an ending, his own trailers, all that. Freddy was given a second glove in that game, and they justified it in the lore there as well.

They did this with all the guests in MKX as well.

But they were invited and wanted and do contribute. Arbiter has been on the back burner since Season 1. Rash was considered because people wanted to see Rare properties co-exist, and Battletoads seemed to be the best fit for KI. And Raam…well as far as I can tell he just came along because the others did.

So that covers the wanted and invited part. As far as contributing, the only reason why they’re not contributing to the KI lore more than they are has already bee stated above. But to the game? First off they each have their own unique playstyle so they’re not exactly disposable. Plus Rash recently got the vote for the most fun character to play out of everybody. But most importantly they contribute to the game financially by tapping into other franchises with much, much larger install bases who would otherwise pass because they don’t know or care what KI is. So they contribute by helping KI gain exposure.

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You aren’t a lore guy are you? From your post I get that you only really care how a character plays…maybe how it looks…but you really don’t care about lore, the universe, the overall mythos of the game.

That is fine, many people play games, watch moves, etc. and so on for many different reasons, but I’d put to you that in regards to guest characters in any game, context matters, and lore matters.


  • Arbiter being “on the back burner since S1” isn’t an invitation.
  • Rash was asked for by a lot of KI/Rare fans, so I guess that is an “invitation”
  • RAAM… Well…

No. There inclusion hasn’t been justified in any capacity as far as the game goes.

Essentially you have resolved yourself to the idea that the guest characters making money for the game IRL is justification enough. As I said above, many people play games for many different reasons. Personally, for a character to be included in the game, that have to serve a purpose in the game.

  • RAAM being in the game because he is a known character from a successful franchise, and the game “needed” a grappler, isn’t enough for me.
  • Rash being in the game because he is an OG Rare character and is “fun” isn’t enough for me.
  • “Arbiter” being in the game (I put Arbiter in quotes because he isn’t actually the arbiter, but a regular elite who you can use to role play as the Arbiter in game) is fun, but why is he here? …other than to entice Halo fans into playing KI.

I say all this not because I’, butt-hurt or anything, but because I care about KI and want to see the universe grow. I care for the community to grow, but I also care about the legacy of the property, and want it to reach its full potential, not just leach off the legacy of other established franchises.

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Very impressive. And where was Jason’s trailer, and endings, etc…?

All guest characters had bio and ending in Mortal Kombat games…

I sense alot of animosity. Look I enjoy playing the guest characters, and i enjoy the story and lore of KI. What I am not seeing is a link between the two. I dont much consider a dosier here and there as a sufficient tie in to the game. If we want to look to MK treatment of Freddy Krueger and Jason as the gold standard of how to integrate a guest character (which props to MK it really was a magnificent tie in) and thank you @UncappedWheel82 and @KevBones10 for sharing the trailers. Then by all means, I would love to see how arby, rash, and Raam came to be involved in the KI timeline.

That is the meat of my beef, insufficient tie in to the story.

I think some of the upset is that, if season 3’s story were more like 1 or 2’s, there’d probably be some silly ending and possibly a few cutscenes dedicated to each guest, even if they weren’t canon. (Like how Freddy and Jason aren’t in MK) Since Shadow Lords is the new story mode, there’s not much chance of that happening.

Personally I don’t mind that, I think Shadow Lords is a great idea on how to improve fighting game single player modes, but I can see how big fans of the guests might feel a bit left out.

To be fair, those are arcade endings, which are non canon for ANY of the characters (Subzero riding dragons anyone). So it makes sense.

SL, however, is THE story mode like MK’s cinematic story mode. Having the guests play a part in it is technically like putting them in canon.

All the more reason why it be nice for a traditional arcade ladder mode.