So tea-bagging is (not) banned at KIWC apparently

It’s a stupid, unenforceable rule. Hopefully Brandon realizes by the time the tournament comes around how bad this idea is.

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So then it’s acceptable as long as the person claims they don’t really mean it? Disrespect is disrespect. I don’t think it’s any more acceptable from Justin Wong than it is from DSP. I do think JWong is a little more mature than that though, and most any time if he’s ever been disrespectful or unsportsmanlike to anyone, he was pushed into that, and not lightly either.

Regardless, we can benefit a lot more from being respectful to one another and helping each other get better than giving the advice to be an awful sport to someone.


It has nothing to do with specifically teabagging. It is the message the ban itself is sending.

They are saying “you cannot try to disrespect your opponent during a match, it is illegal”.

And if you know fighting game players at all, they will respond with a quick, decisive “…oh yeah?”

What the KIWC team is actually upset about (and rightly so!) is that someone threatened violence on another player. That is a bannable offense. But instead of going after the player, they went after the action that cause the player to get mad, which is an utterly losing battle because in fighting games, there are 100 different things I can do to make you mad. Ban teabagging and I will find another one. Especially if making you mad gives me a better chance to win the match.

The worst part of all of this? Very few people would have teabagged/been intentionally disrespectful in any KIWC match if they just never brought this up, just like every other KI tournament in history to date. KIWC would have come and gone and everybody would have had a magnificent time. But now, their ban and their public insistence on it is actually inviting players to find ways around the system because it makes so little sense.


They did go after the player. They asked him to publicly apologize in order to not be banned from the tournament. Did he apologize, Im not sure? I just read the interview with Rotendo explaining why this all happened. And you are right, the guy threatened to attack whomever at the next lie tournament if he were to show up.

Can someone post the interview here so everyone reads and understands why they did this?

Here it is…

We reached out to Camarena to give us some context.

“It started about Shadow Jago and later talked about [a particular player] using his taunt,” Camarena explains. “Then someone got salty about losing and expressed their opinion about taunts/tea bagging — then made a threat about physical violence towards someone if they were to see them in-person at a tournament.”

The thread was shut down to put a “time out” on the situation. It was later reopened so that KI World Cup administrator Brandon Alexander could announce teabagging is prohibited at KI World Cup. In addition, the player who issued threats was told to openly apologize or they would be banned from all KI World Cup events indefinitely.

In an effort to create a safe environment and minimize any drama, an executive decision was made to keep the ruling in place another year.


Its not that anyone feels passionately about teabagging, they’re passionate about not having a community of oversensitive babies who can’t handle a little ribbing.



Some dude got butt hurt, couldn’t keep it together, and got an arbitrary rule imposed because of it. SMH.


Well couldn’t we just say that some of us want a community with grown adults that don’t act like adolescent kids?


This makes even LESS sense than before.

The person should just be banned from the event, period. No other rule needs to be changed or enforced.

To me, this reads “Altercation broke out when a Ford Explorer collided with a parked car on 3rd Avenue this afternoon. Police were called to scene when threats of violence were uttered, though no punches were thrown. Both men involved in the scene were detained. The mayor released a press statement, saying all Ford vehicles will no longer be legal to drive on city streets, effective tomorrow.”


this is the thing though…banning teabagging will not affect the “safe environment” of a tournament. i could laugh at someone i perfected and he could get salty enough to threaten me with violence…will they ban laughing in match then? will i get in trouble?

the proper action was done by punishing the salty player. banning teabagging does nothing to prevent more incidents like this from happining. what actually works is enforcing the rule that physical attacks and threats is not tolerable in any way.


So, wait. They threatened to ban the guy who threatened someone else if he didn’t apologize…and then immediately let him have his way?


You guys have the authority: USE IT. This is just gonna open the path for anyone tossing out a threat in order to have their demands at a tournament. If he tries it, immediately get security to throw him out and never let him back in.

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I said “I think” but w/e


You gotta be my savior, lol!

You too @CrazyLCD . I need an in tournament taunt combo…just one…


I agree they should have just banned the guy that threatened violence instead of some bogus rule…but that guy must be someone of importance to the tournament??

BTW…Im just copying the interview so you guys can read it. that doesnt mean it reflects my opinion on the matter.


We are talking about videogames here, aren’t we?


wasn’t teabagging banned last year? :thinking:


We’re playing a video game man, a little immaturity is to be expected. :stuck_out_tongue:

When a raptor in a cheerleading costume is fighting with a toy-robot in the middle of a warzone from Halo, you don’t really expect the game to be nothing but “grown adults” do you? KI by its very nature is a little immature, it always has been. I mean Orchid turns you into a frog, Riptor’s no mercy was a big ■■■■ joke… Teabagging is synonymous with video games, its just a fact of life, so is taunting, finishers, shooting bodies, etc. Its astounding how many people want KI to be some serious hardcore experience and shame anyone who enjoys the sillier side of the game that it was built on all those years ago.

Sure this example is a stretch but if an NFL player decides to do an endzone dance after he scores a game winning touchdown you don’t take it personally do you? Sure teabagging is a little immature but who cares, that’s the point. They’re trying to get a rise out of you, trying to ruffle your feathers, getting all puffed up and angry or banning it in a competitive setting is almost just as immature. Its petty and unnecessary and makes people look stupid, in my eyes.

The devs even allowed Shadows to mimic people’s teabagging because its an accepted part of the game, folks just need to chill out I think.

A raptor dressed as a cheerleader is good fun.
Teabagging is toxic behaviour.

Learn the difference.


Maybe you should try learning it yourself.

Its no more toxic than taunting, part of the developed game.
The fact is you think its toxic, that doesn’t make it so.


Okay, but how do you define this? You can ask people nicely to be courteous to the other tournament goers (as 100% of tournaments do). And barring some extreme cases of out-of-game behavior, tournaments run well. Those extreme cases tend to be met with strong action, like bans.

But the instant you start banning specific, harmless in-game actions, because some people might get marginally upset at them, you’ve opened a pandora’s box that you can’t actually contain.

Let’s say I beat you with a perfect on stream, and I do a little fist-pump while smirking a bit. The other person thinks I am making fun of them, and they get angry, then threaten to meet me outside later. What action would you like to ban here?