Skin and Face feedback

I believe Koreans are notorious for wanting a certain shade of pale white skin and actually there hardly is any darker skinned people in Korea. I watch mukbang videos (Videos in which Koreans eat food DONT JUDGE ME) and some of those have translations and some girls talk about their makeup.

I feel the reverse. Her concept art looked darker and I wanted it to look that shade of color but that lighting makes it look like her skin is gold and light.

Edit: Am talking about Maya here.

Basically you have to close your eyes and then she looks good.

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Where did you see concept art?

I agree Missy RT :kissing_heart:

Something is missing it just need a little bit of love. Come on guys tweak her like TJ :blush:

Fingers crossed

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I was talking about Maya’s concept art.

Oh ok😁
Cant wait to see kims alternates

No, it’s not that bad now.

If you can point to me where on Paper it says she is from Korea and is absolutely a Korean woman then I will consider this.

She’s been described as Korean and Chinese. I think "Wu"her last name can be either but I know “Vu” is the Vietnamese version of that name.

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You mean ignoring the threads in this character section in which Adam talks about how she is Korean and how she is more K-rap than K-pop.

She’s more K-annoying than anything in the trailer.

Actually I like to counter act that because Killer Instinct is still in the age where developers can go back and polish out the game to make it look current as possible. Remember these developers have a lot in their hands to deal with before polishing this game out completely like finishing up season 3, balancing and game breaking issues. Just give them time and you won’t be disappointed.

Plus Microsoft is paying more attention to KI now with its growing community, merchandises and competitive gaming, heck adding Arbiter to KI was a huge hit, so they’ll most likely want the game to look as polished as possible.

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I’d be ok with just Kim on launch if they need time to work on more things.

I think Sith hit it out of the park with the Kim Wu complaints

What the hell is up with her spine? That poor woman wouldn’t be able to walk like that without tipping over and breaking in half. Not to mention her legs are position in a way that looks like it would hurt to hold for any length of time. In fact my legs and spine just hurt by looking at this girl. (Or maybe that’s me after having to use the snowblower on 7-8" of thick snow earlier today)

What a hot mess.

Also, reading some of these posts
 some of them come off as sounding like y’all want Kim Wu to look like an American/West European white girl. I’m not sure whether that’s funny or incredibly depressing.

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The only thing that it seems to need a fix imo, is when the dragons turn around her, looks like there is a delay and the dragon don’t follow her perfectly when she moves.

But for her design, her voice, her gameplay
 Kim Wu is very very good !

And that stage is perfect, amazing job from IG once again <3

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I don’t know.

Why does Thunder has completely short legs? He wouldn’t be able to jump like he does.

How can Glacius dissolve his entire body into the ground and then recompose?

Why players can hit Omen if he’s made of smoke?

Mysteries of the video-game world. :kissing_heart: