Simple way to help balance minions?

Is there a joke here I’m missing?


I don’t think that claiming Gargos is not fun to fight is a real argument. And I don’t think it’s a useful or helpful suggestion to say “get rid of his minions.” If you want to set up your own “house rules” games with your buds then go for it - exclude Gargos’s minions. But when you start talking about rebuilding the whole game around your likes, rather than what is balanced or beatable then that’s just a scrub mentality - not in the pejorative. I’m not trying to offend anyone, but it’s the same as saying “no throws” or “why should a DP be invincible?” Gargos has very serious weaknesses. If you take away his minions he isn’t Gargos anymore. And the minions (like other tools in the game) are better in some matchups than in others.


Sorry for the double post. But you aren’t going to ever convince me that Fulgore has too high an execution barrier for Rico Suave or Sleep. That’s just not believable. I’ve listened to guys like Keits and Infilament say that Fulgore had the best tools in the game for more than a year now, and people always argue with them. But the players trying to make money don’t just skip a god tier character because it’s too hard.

Rico has a Fulgore. He uses this character - but he just didn’t put it together like Nicky did because Nicky plays Fulgore better than Rico. That’s one of the things about being a character specialist, over time you overcome the limitations of your character with truly excellent play fueled by your experience with that one character. But Nicky’s Fulgore has the exact same tools as Rico’s.


The best way to test a character to see if they are OP is to play them. Play Gargos and use the minions. Watch how fast players get them off the screen.

I don’t like when people cry OP, instead of learning how to play against that character.


Oh I have no doubt rico could absolutely crush this scene with fulgore if he just mained fulgore and didnt spread himself thin with other weaker characters and played KI alot but he doesnt do that. Instead he enjoys playing many characters and I think he believes its better in the longrun (although I personally disagree). As for sleep Ive never seen him show any interest in fulgore really. Still doesnt change the majority opinion is that Fulgore is probably a bit stronger than he should be right now.

Agreed but I do play gargos and I can feel just how braindead minions can be right now, they are way too easy to keep summoning after they are destroyed atm imo.

Nothing against Rico, the guys amazing. But there’s 100 grand up for grabs in KI tournaments. If he could win he would be doing it. There’s a thousand guys out there who can say “if I just had time to play this game all day I could win EVO.” Maybe they’re even right but so what?

To the point of this thread, people spend too much time worrying about “tweaks” that won’t change the outcome of 99% of matches when they could just work on getting better at the matchup. And it opens the door for other people to come in with “you know what I don’t like…”

Look, I hate Sadira. I find her character design unpleasant and her play style aggravating to deal with. But that’s my problem. I’m not in the Sadira section saying “get rid of Sadira’s air combos.”


I hate Maya. She is amazing to see in action, but fightint her as Aganos its a hell. But, when I win a good Maya, I fell really well.

I dont complain about Maya either


His minions are balanced. I can’t believe people are saying this now when nobody has really figured him out yet. Suspiciously coincidental is Sleep’s performance as Gargos, which was made way better than it looked by Bass who didn’t know the match-up. The same goes for everyone else.


The thing is (since you used Raam as an example,) if Raam knocks gargos down once and doesn’t take the round, he has no excuses. Gargos sets up an obstacle course for him to run through that slowly grinds him down, and Raam can take one solid hit and snowball it into a round easily.

To anyone upset about minions, I want you to ask yourself: why are these minions out in the first place? Why did gargos have the opportunity to summon them? Could you have prevented it?

The answer to the last question is almost always yes. I struggle to think of any situation where gargos can actually get a minion out that isn’t the result of his opponent screwing up somehow.

Yes, the minions are annoying. Being annoying is what zoners do. Gargos happens to be a potent zoner.


I’ve been maining Gargos since his release…overpowered he is not. I can not tell you how many times I have been just utterly trashed, even with minions out. It really does not take much to get rid of them. I’ve had so many matches where I would set one out to get some breathing room just to have it wind-kicked into oblivion. I know it’s tricky being on the receiving end of his portal punches, but honestly most peoples’ reaction to getting hit a couple of times is to back up as far as they can and just sit there & take his piss-poor chip damage, so building up meter pressures opponents out of the corner. When you play against Gargos you can’t sit still, you can’t back into a corner…you have to fight. His moveset is laterally designed to punish players who don’t get up into a position where Gargos is most vulnerable, right up in his face.


Rico would not be taking things with fulgore. That’s basically a gaurentee. Nice try though.

I’m calling it, RAAM will officially be OP after his next major.

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Quite a few top players, including those who’ve won recent tournaments, disagree with you on this point.

Wouldn’t surprise me. Not that I care. According to OP’s logic then rico shoulda have won evo with gargos. Since he’s OP and all y’know. There’s more factors then just picking “if X player picked up X character they would do better.” Not how it always works.

It’d be like you telling me “Well if you dropped Sadira for Jago you’d do alot better.” No…I would most likely do alot worse. Because nicki was the talk of “This is the guy to beat” but he got shutdown so quick in top 8 with the character that is deemed “OP” by the community yet…went out like a light.

That doesn’t happen if you’re OP. And nicki is a character specialist on top of that.

As seth killian would say “Where are the results?”

Raam and Kim Wu are insanely underrated.

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Funny, Raam has some MU in which if one player gets mommentum, the other its fucked, and Kim has good MU against some hard to handle characters (namely Gargos)

Was most of that even directed at me? Literally nothing past the first sentence has anything to do with what I said… :neutral_face:

Not all of it. Mostly for the OP. I didn’t want to create another post so I just kept editing that one.