Simple but still major issues with character select interface

No one, on the forums anyway, has called it out because most of the regulars here have been playing KI since season 1, and as such have seen the character select screen so many times that we already know who we’re going to pick, with what accessories and colors, and just want to hurry up, pick our guy, and move on to the fight. In a sense it’s the same problem people have with multi-Ultras…even though it’s awesome to see someone nail a 150-200 hit triple, after seeing it over & over & over no one cares anymore (sadly) and just wants to hurry back into the next fight. Now I agree with you that the character shadows are pretty lame, and it would be nicer to see perhaps their hero art instead, but as it is right now keeping the character select as is does not appear to be a deal breaker as more and more people seem to be playing KI than ever before.
Would I like to see it changed? Yes. Would I rather have the character select slightly altered as opposed to some other feature like accessories for Shago & Omen, a complete Arcade/story mode encompassing all 3 seasons, a new character, stages for the characters that don’t have their own? No, not really.


See, the problem is that you frame it as a “would you rather…?” question. It’s not. This is something small but still crucial that is totally within their ability to fix quickly. You don’t have to choose between this problem or those problems. The whole point of this forum is to get them to address all problems, or as many as they possibly can.

But this is not a problem
Is a problem for YOU. Not for me. Not for thousands. For millions!

Even if they made the most egregious fail that needs to be fixed, if you demand, get angry at people, call names, etc… Then probably you would be ignored. If you are polite and ask for this in a civil way, you could be listened. If you are asking for something that actually does need changing but you mantain this behaviour, it gets drowned among complaints and “ad hominems” that don’t make sense

You have to understand that this particular issue it’s minimal. Nobody asked for this, nobody was upset or found this like something bad.

It could be better if we see the character all the time? Well, yes, why not?
It’s the priority? No. A list of some stuff which is higher in the piority list:

-Bug fixes(which is a huge endless task)
-Balancing(Also huge task)
-New content(like Eyedol avaible in shadow lords, new guardians, unknown new content…)

This is not something you fix in one hour(your suggestion). The amount of code you need to change to implement what you are suggesting is a lot harder than you think. I don’t know if you have any programing experience, but UI changes are harder to do than it looks

At the end, you can politely ask, but never “demand to fix this”. You are a costumer, but not the owner of the license. Convince them with reasons that you are right, stop being so aggresive


That doesn’t make any sense. A problem with the game is an objective problem, the same way one can have an issue with controls or sound or anything else, they can have a problem with the UI not displaying necessary information. It is just as much an actual “bug” as anything to do with balancing, control, audio mixing, etc. because it is an issue that has no reason to be there and interferes with people trying to get to the gameplay. A “bug” is ANYTHING that is undesirable to a user’s experience with the game, of which UI problems most certainly fit the criteria. You imply that you have programming knowledge and I’m surprised that you don’t know this fundamental fact of making any sort of commercial software for any sort of audience.

It absolutely IS a problem for new players in particular who don’t know the characters and have difficulty navigating the menus. It is not a problem for you because you have been playing this for three seasons and you are used to the quirkiness/difficulty of navigating through the problematic menus and character select screen, but you don’t get to decide that it’s “not a problem for thousands/millions”, you don’t speak for anyone but yourself when you say it’s a problem that can be ignored. Every new player to the game CAN and WILL have this issue. It’s not a question of “if”, they will DEFINITELY find these to be annoying problems.

Just because YOU find the problem to be “minimal” doesn’t mean it isn’t a problem, and the fact that nobody asked for it is, as I outlined earlier, due to the fact that they will be inevitably met by people like you who think it’s not worth addressing little issues like this. Problems like this do pile up and eventually result in a crappy game that’s annoying to play and navigate through. I never said they could “fix it in one hour” either, I know they need time, but it should nonetheless be on their to do list. They are experienced programmers and definitely have the knowledge and skills needed to do it with ease. Also, I absolutely CAN demand they fix it, I am a customer and I am not satisfied with their product. It is completely within my right to demand fixes to fundamental problems with the game.

Absolutely NOT.

A software bug is an error, flaw, failure or fault in a computer program or system that causes it to produce an incorrect or unexpected result, or to behave in unintended ways.

Not showing the character is intended. Maybe it’s not the best idea(debatable), but it’s not a bug. It would be a bug if their intention was to show the character, and it doesn’t show up. Not the case.

Hisako’s infinite ultra was a bug. Gargos’ super active frames on portal punch was a bug. Spinal losing his meter when cursing his opponent was a bug. This is not a bug. Everything works as intended.

First, you can, but you CAN also be ignored. Because demanding something because you are a costumer doesn’t mean that you have to be satisfied. If so, the game would be a madness, since everyone makes incompatible requests.
I can also demand the opposite, saying that I like the misterious aura of the current way characters are selected. Who is right then?

Again, is not a problem. I have shown the game to new players, and all of them understood that just pressing A and waiting, the character shows up, and they can press B in any moment before picking to choose another one.

I’m sorry, but this is not an issue, it’s only a recomendation.


It is absolutely a flaw. It is not a “bug” in strictest software terms, but it is nonetheless an oversight that results in an undesirable user experience, and it is just as important and in need of fixing as any other bug in the coding, gameplay, or audio. Human errors are exactly like bugs in the sense that they should be immediately recognized and repaired.

My complaint is not at all incompatible with anyone’s request. It will only serve to make the user experience better for everyone. As to “who is right”, I am still right, because every other fighting game does have this, and they have it for a reason, because it would be foolish to not have it. Character display allows any new player to quickly decide which character appeals to them, and then they can press A to confirm and customize their colors/accessories. They have this in other games because it just goes without saying that it should be there, and it has no reason to be absent. The fact that it isn’t there indicates misplaced attention from the developers. No other developer of a fighting game has ever made this mistake, and these mistakes will pile up and keep slipping through until people get fed up with them. I’m bringing it to their attention because this is stuff they need to be catching ON THEIR OWN, not waiting for their customers to catch it for them.

The only reason characters need to be shaded is if they are a secret or a character not yet revealed during a public demo of the game. Having to press A just to see the character IS EXACTLY THE PROBLEM THAT NEEDS TO BE FIXED. Just because the new players you showed it to silently accepted that this is the way the game shows stuff to them doesn’t make it less of a problem, and if you asked them about displaying the characters they would certainly agree with me.

If you haven’t noticed, I’m not arguing with you because I disagree with the conclusion you made(It would be better if we see the characters before pressing A).

I’m arguing with you because you are not using the best method to make your point. As they say, you get more flies with honey than vinegar.

A: Characters obscured before choosing may be misleading for new players, it would be nice if we can see them anytime

B: Character selection must be fixed to always see the characters! This is unacceptable! I’m right, and anybody who says otherwise is wrong!

Who do you think is easier to listen, A or B?

You are being a huge B, so I suggest you: Be an A

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Actually I think the only thing anyone has actually argued aside from the bad attitude is where a select screen change should be placed on MS/IG’s list of priorities.


I can’t say I really have much sympathy for you, here. Taking a minor issue that seems to bother you exclusively and nobody else and talking about it like it’s killing the game’s appeal, making comparisons to another game that very obviously is worse at doing the same thing, insulting and berating other forum members…I don’t think anyone really disagrees that it would probably be better to have character art instead of the silhouette, but the way you post basically guarantees that nobody will have a positive reaction to your topic.


Still applicable. If the discussion in the thread cannot remain in a civil tone and with reasonable back and forth interaction it doesn’t need to continue.

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It’s not a “bug” in ANY sense of the term, nor is it an oversight. It is a decision to reduce load times. You don’t have to agree with that decision, but you are wrong in claiming it to be a bug or an oversight.

I personally think the silhouettes are a classy way of circumventing the load time issues, and lend a “mysterious and spooky” aesthetic to the UI that jives well with the rest of the games aesthetics. I vote NO to artwork on the character select screen.

Now we have a stalemate. Whatever shall we do?

BTW - My opinion is that of a new player as of S3, when they first introduced the character select silhouettes. I have never had an issue with this character select screen, and it is the only KI character select screen I have ever known.

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SFV also has significantly less content than KI. So that doesn’t even matter. KI also has customizable accessories which are also part of the character loading times. SFV has pre rendered pallet swap skins so it is understandable that the model loads right away.

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Not an oversight if it was an intended design decision.

Wut.[quote=“KashaPsychoJosh, post:68, topic:15955”]
I am still right, because every other fighting game does have this, and they have it for a reason, because it would be foolish to not have it.

So let me get this straight. You know it is right because other fgs do it because it is right? That doesn’t make any sense.

Except for the intentional design decision and to reduce the lag on the character select screen.[quote=“KashaPsychoJosh, post:68, topic:15955”]
Having to press A just to see the character IS EXACTLY THE PROBLEM THAT NEEDS TO BE FIXED.

I’ll quote you on this.

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See? This is what people are talking about when they say “limitations of the Hex Engine”.

Then how about we talk about the missing pause menu in just about every mode? I’ve complained about that for a while now, and that’s no small matter. Your complaint on the other hand is, well. I get what your saying, I do. But I have to admit I like the silhouette select and character intro. Your complaint is that ki should be just like street fighter and mortal kombat because what? So we can ride their coat tails? Ki has something unique to ki. The answer is not to look like a replica of every other fighting game or there.

You might want to when a moderator ( @xSkeletalx ) tells you to… just saying.

The thing is, this is how the game started. Maybe it’s not formatted top and bottom like in that picture of yours but the rows thing still applies.

The problem now is that there are so many characters in the game that it would take a REALLY long time to pick some of the characters you want depending on where the starting point is. You could start on Jago and have to scroll all the way to the other side of the scroll if you wanted to play Omen or something like that. There are ways around this like having a 5 space button or something I guess but I think we’re good where we are right now.

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The issue for you is the UI.

The issue for everyone that isn’t you is your tone.

Maybe if you were capable of posting while thinking of people other than yourself, you’d be able to make more constructive posts?


Do you really want KI to have load times like SF5?