Shin hisako vs shin chiharu

Chiharu if she looks like a regular japanese girl.

Shin Hisako if she looks like a zombie.

Seeing as how the trailer made her appear like her regular zombie looking self, I can accept Shin Hisako. They should have instead just said in the lore Shin Hisako is a more powerful Hisako who is no longer shackled to her grave site(which they did). Also make her hair white or something like Shin Akuma. Also make the lore state it’s God Hisako not true Hisako to emphasis her new strength.

The issue people have is that the lore teasers and video made it sound like Chiharu would be the character we would play as but then are confused to see the name Shin Hisako. Why bring up the “true” Hisako name if her purified true self is Chiharu. Why is Chiharu’s dad dealing with Hisako. Hisako and Chiharu are totally different personalities so people are upset the lore and names are getting mashed into one entitiy that completely contradict each other.

I think this post on the other thread best describes the situation. How can this be Chiharu, the true hisako, if she still looks and behaves like regular hisako. That’s why I accept the Shin Hisako name. I don’t see anything that makes her the true Hisako aka Chiharu even though her father came to the Hisako persona.

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