Some of my suggestions.
Wait what stream?!?
This one!
That’s terrible! Hope she gets better soon after that shock. Best wishes
hey man hope your mom is okay
I really hope they get a good thurough selection of colors and accessories both
Chances are the new colors and what not will be available through shadow lords, just a guess…
I hope everything is well.
This is awesome news.
Now the question is “when?”
Yeah, there’s no clue as to when. I’d imagine sometime after Shadow Lords.
What about retros though?
dude one of our pic links is a direct site to a malicious software site, i hope i didnt get a virus from your link
What post are you talking about?
Personally i think Omen should have more lightning effects instead of the goofy warbling /lighting effects
Looks better in my opinion.
Correct me if im wrong but i did here Adam say that there will be Retro costumes for both Shago & Omen.
No idea, but it would be cool.
They said nothing about retros.