Shadow Lords Mode

Yeah, it’s pretty much a “pick which disability you want” which is fine if you know what to expect. I guess the false idea that there might a “right” answer kinda throws people off. It did me for awhile.

Sometimes there just isn’t a right answer.

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but is there a left one?


Why did I lose the astral plane

Did you get it before or after the beta?

I sent my right hand to dispose of you.

but what about your left one?

By my side at all times.

I best challenging mode I believe during the beta.

Yea that got reset at official release for everyone.

Well I just lost it the other day I’ve had it way after the official launch.

It’s a known problem. The next time you unlock it, let all the ending screens for SL play out, & then my suggestion would be to go play another game or 2 in a different mode. It should stay unlocked then.