Shadow Lords Mode

Is this wiki?

Great stuff man! I’ve never read anything on that subject before.

@Dayv0 I completely forgot about Mira.

@FengShuiEnergy I like the idea of Maya being the falcon, but why do you get a bear vibe from TJ?

Well the falcon for maya since her DP has flacons flying everywhere aroundhere so there’s that. And mantis feels like a bird (falcon) diving into it’s prey.

TJ…well…judging by how he preforms his moves combined with his size of a man and going off how bears are physically strong animals yeah.

Absolutely love this theory. Personally I surprised that more people dont draw.from Egyptian lore, its such an untapped source of material. The only example I can site of Egyptian mythology is the movie “Gods of Egypt” very good movie by the way. But seriously… Greek mythology is fun, but been done to death. No one uses Egyptian mythology, and its such a rich source of material.


Personally, I think it makes a lot of sense that TJ may not be connected to a particular animal spirit, but rather he may be completely representative of man-kind personified.

Think about it, the origin of humanity in both evolution and multiple forms of theology is a long history of ups and downs, just like TJ’s life. Entire civilizations have come and gone because of arrogance or simple mistakes, with new ones rising from the ashes and building from their foundations. Many religious texts detail stories of a violent of of the world that leads to a new age of prosperity and peace. TJ lost all that he had because his desperation to maintain his glory ironically wore it thin, and he’s now experiencing trial by fire to try and reach a brighter future.

The human race rose to be the dominant species on the planet in a world full of animals that outclassed us physically in almost every way. Thinking from a lore perspective, TJ is technically the weakest character in the KI universe. He has no magical powers, no weaponry, no natural tools like claws or fangs, and he disposed of the cybernetic augmentation that he had. He’s determined to prove himself to be the best in the world as nothing more than a man, using his fists alone in a world where corporations experiment on human beings in preparation for the destruction of earth by literal demons. His motivation lies with redemption, glory, triumph, vengeance; things that are almost uniquely desired by man kind.

That determination, that drive, the willingness to forgo the only advantage he had in a world full of monsters, cyborgs, and the living dead, is what makes him human. Animals care nothing of pride, only survival.

A bear will only enter a fight it is confident it will win. A man will enter a fight he knows he has no right to win because someone called him chicken.


Could’ve sworn mick Gordon said Maya has kookaburras , not falcons. Hence the jungle. You can hear them in her theme as well.

That is one way of looking at him yes. You could say that.

the sounds famaiiar…but I don’t recognize the bird.

No this is from some serious Vampire life forum. Like Ultra combo but for vampire people lol
Ppl that think they are really vampires and shitt

Yeah…if there were supernatural things on this earth…would have been found out by now.

I agree… same with Bigfoot, Jesus, Lochness, Vampires…all of them…if they truly were real…we would have evidence. There is just too much evidence of all these other lifeforms, rare lifeforms…no reason why those mentioned wouldn’t be found with the technology of today.

Yup, another reason why reality sucks compared to fiction. Least there cool stuff happens.

normally i would agree with you wholeheartedly considering the info you provided and the weapon mira wears but keep in mind the vampire coven is based in Russia. not just based but the king of the vampire coven is called a tsar. a russian term that would only be used in that way if the coven was deeply rooted in russian history rather than Egyptian. maybe the gauntlet was found in egypt, maybe stolen from the egyption vampires or there was a war and the russian sect won claiming the spoils of war. maybe all the vampires of the world came together under the russian coven however considering the apparently deep history vampires had with egypt(surprisingly) if that was the idea IG had the location of the main coven would be in egypt or more mainstream in romania so maybe not that idea

I didnt say that was the “story” MS or IG has in development…I simply stated what the Scarab has to do with Vampirism in relation to Feng saying it has to be a “Bat”…nothing more. Doesn’t matter where they are from … a vampire is immortal and he could have came from Eygypt and adapted through the times and went from Pharaoh to Czar… to President of the US.

It has nothing to do with the story in KI and everything to do with the Scarab being a symbol of Vampirism through the lineage information I posted.

Great now KI needs a bigfoot trope.


We aganos for that. He’s big, and he’s got big feet.

Aganos covers many tropes, living statues, rock monsters, magical golems, etc but it doesn’t cover the Yeti/Sasquatch/bigfoot/Wendigo/Ape-man trope. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yeah, that is true. Maybe in KI2.

Or in season 4/more new characters


I wouldn’t include Wendigo in that list. The others have some relation to each other. The Wendigo is a possessed person, who resorted to cannibalism. Typically, in Native American lands, or places where cannibalism is common.

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