Shadow Lords Mode

Much better. In the Fugbot we trust.

Glad I got to use this again :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Really? I may have to test my Glacius against it when I get home.

I can’t remember how the matches went though. Been awhile.

ARIA for savoir.

I like it.

I honestly couldn’t tell you. It’s not like I as going for it, it just sort of happened I guess. Goes to show how little people seem to care about the mode when I can test my shadow over and over for 3 days and have it suddenly be the best on the leaderboard.

Did Spinal actually accomplish anything? At all?

At least Glacius rescued Eagle.

I don’t think Spinal has even been mentioned at all in the story since season 1. :joy:

…and quite frankly, I find that kinda sad. He’s basically just some goon of chaos at this point, potentially being manipulated by others.

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Shame…it’s a good mode. Lots of potential.

What about that “Pinnacle response” stuff aria says at the end at her story?

It does seem like one of the big themes in Shadow Lords is uneasy alliances: All these characters from different factions having to work together because Gargos is a threat to everyone and everything. I don’t want to spoil more in case you haven’t seen the videos they’ve put out, but Ultratech definitely has a big part in that.

[quote=“FengShuiEnergy, post:559, topic:6945, full:true”]
Well glacius is neutral in the conflicts. Because all he wants is his tech back. He’s not even aware of the actual events taking place. It wouldn’t surprise me if he was just using eagle then ditch him along with earth to head back to whereever it is he came from.[/quote]

Glacuis’ mission/story has changed over the course of S1 and 2. It began that Glacius was just about getting his tech back, but I think Glacius’ mission has morphed a bit into him helping to take down UT in general.

When Glacius first set out from his crashed ship his backstory said…

“As he sets out from the crash site and observes the creatures on Earth, he realizes their technology is corrupted – they have been exposed to ideas and technologies they should not yet have, a serious violation of several of the “88 Decrees”.”

From that point on he participated in the KI tourney, but ended up with DNA stolen and was ultimately captured by UT/ARIA. I think here in S3 it is safe to say that Glacuis’ mission has sort of become a task to put things back in order, as ARIA’s presence on earth has turned humanity in to more “elevated” species than it should be by the account of the Galactic Organization that Glacius works for.

So far he hasn’t allied with the heroes yet, but I think it is safe to say that they will all meet up and join forces soon…especially with Gargos’ arrival. Remember that Glacius’ backstory talked about the use of a “fold core” to open portal to other dimension was a direct violation of the “88 Decrees”…

“During his trainings, Glacius studied the dangers of folding space and the powers it could unleash in the wrong hands. Misuse of this power could open doorways to places best left sealed and cross not only simple distance, but dimensions, some of which contain things that have been “removed” for the greater good due to their corruptive natures. Fearing the corruption that comes from contact with these beings, Glacius focuses on improving his Hail technique to keep these new horrors at bay.”

Gargos may be one of those “removed” threats that Glacius was talking about in the lore, So I guess only time will tell how things play out.

I can see how this goes down. Going to use South Park: Stick of Truth as an example. Start at 1:51-3:09

What video am I using? You forgot to post it.

I’ll post it soon. I got stuff to do

He was mentioned in the S2 rivals mode in a few character’s stories, but he hasn’t played any part het in S3. Spinal’s lore is in a pretty interesting place at the moment (agent of chaos and all). I really hope that he makes appearance in the novella. Should be interesting.

(Sorry for the long response…)

Apparently the “Pinnacle Response” (PR) is the reason why ARIA pulled back her forces during the second invasion of the Nightguard (NG) stronghold. All the PR is, is UT going on high alert and mobilizing troops (or whatever) to combat a/the massive otherworldly threat against Earth. As far as I can tell, the story around the time of the PR is a tad messy regarding the intersection of all the plot points going on here.

Just before the PR the heroes of Earth had met at the NG stronghold after Riptor and her Stalkers had herded them together. Apparently though, Kan-ra had also returned to the NG temple, to his study specifically, after he had taken down Aganos with his Syphon (which ARIA helped him to get/create) in order to use it to open a portal big enough to bring “his” army to Earth. BUT it would seem that upon Kan-ra’s opening of the portal, Gargos chose to begin his invasion at that moment…or at least that is when his corruption began to spread in full force.

The only place the PR is mentioned the rivals mode is in ARIA’s story (iirc), where Gargos’ symbol was shown shinning in the sky outside of UT headquarters. IDK, but it may be that once Kan-ra opened the portal that he did, Gargos’ forces (as well as his corruption) was able to fully gain entry to Earth, and thus Gargos himself was able to start opening portals wherever he pleased on the planet. It may be that the Pinnacle response was UT/AIRA recognizing what had happened and thus began to prepare for Gargos’ inevitable arrival, or Gargos’ invasion had begun right then and thus the alarm was raised. I’m not sure.

It was shown/said in ARIA’s Rivals story that she faced off against Omen after Kan-ra opened the portal. Whether she won or lost that fight, the outcome would presumably be the same with the PR going into effect. Personally I think it would be more interesting if she lost that fight as, 1) it would show how strong Omen really is/can be, and 2) it would perfectly explain why she pulled back her forces as she realize she needed to regroup. Either way, I guess the pieces are starting to fall into place.

Omen’s probably dead at this point.

As for puddle face…“We can’t let them have this stuff now.” Sounds like concern if you ask me. I hope he gets melted.

And I know just the perfect person to do it…cinder.

The classic fire and ice battle. Only this time…cinder wins. I like it. Make it happen.

Looks like no shadow lords in June lol

New Multiplayer Mode and Shadow Lords in ONE MONTH?!

SL will be out by June 31st.

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Is it the same one from sadira’s endings?