Shadow Jago Tech

Hey if they to tech or jump,do the dp instead of grab.

How do I play Shadow Jago like this?

huh. You can combo cr.MK > Surge Fireball > Linker.

Guys. He can start a combo with Surged Ryu BnB. O_O

We can play some coach sets whenever I’m free?
GT: ZuhGerman

Im not sure if the Annihilation tech is legit. It would be great if I had someone to test it on and have them hold up the entire time but this is what I got down. Feel free to test this out. Im still unsure if this is just me using crappy dummy playback data or if its a legit punish.

So it turns out You can cancel the first few hits of Dimitri into Shadow Footdive. ANY Dimitri can be cancelled into shadow footdive. You can also whiff the cancel window if you dont connect with the first few hits of the move.

This is useful if you dont want to rely on grab to juggle someone into a combo like I do.

If you surge a vertical dimitri, the cancel window is the first hit only for the second one.

Diagonal Dimitri just drops the combo. You can shadow footdive, but it misses.

Level 4 Battery Ender puts your opponent in a juggle state. Its basically a surge fireball. You can Gate Keeper or buttton then go into Shadow Footdive to start a new combo.

Surge Rollerskates is wonky, MK and HK whiff because the game cant handle auto correcting your direction in time. Gate Keeper and Dark Reckoning are basically useless. But surge rollerskates does create a jugglestate for your shadow footdive combos.

Also Surge Footdive is +1 on block. This is basically his footsies special that he can throw out to test the waters.

Speaking of footdive, heres what I figured from his Normal input footdive ranges.

Light Footdive and Heavy Footdive are the only versions of his footdive that will land when youre opponent is Close to you. Light hits in front, heavy hits from behind.

Medium Footdive at closerange will Whiff. But Grabrange medium Footdive WILL land AND crossup.
Max footsies range Heavy Footdive crosses up. Light footdive hits low at this range.
MP range Medium Footdive crosses up. Medium footdive is hard to utilize at my level.

These also apply to their surge counterparts.

Lastly, Shadow Fireball can be used for safe pressure. You can also use it to make a blocked Dimitri safe.I think I’ll experiment more with Shadow Fireball and its spicy +2 on block.

In Summary:
Surge Rollerskates, surge/teleport dimitris and Lvl 4 Battery Ender create juggle states.
You can basically start another combo if you finish with lvl 4 battery ender.
Surge footdive and Shadow Fireball are your safety nets.
Dimitris can be canceled into a recapture.


So I just got bodied by another shago by cancelling dimitri into footdive, we’re evolving!

btw, on Shago on Shago matches, You can punish Dark Reckoning with Annihilation.

edit: so I just got bodied by max. Things i learned.

  1. rollerskates counter his projectiles
  2. You can grab Fugbot out of eye lasers
  3. Always be the one walking forward on Fugbot as he like Shago can teleport behind you and his Fullscreen teleport is a safer punish than yours so fullscreen fireball wars are no go.
  4. Dont taunt Max on-stream.

edit: Know how horizontal dimitri is useless to start shadow footdive combos? The fact that you can shadow cancel it isnt for footdive, its for Shadow Fireball. Its so if you get blocked, you can shadow fireball and make it safe.

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New Demon tech.

You can punish Aria’s assists with Demon. Not when theyre out mind you, but if you see her going for the assist, its basically a whiffed grab as far as Shagos are concerned.

Some tech stuff I found.

You can cancel vertical dimitri into shadow fireball to make it safe, you can cancel vertical dimitri into shadow footdive to recapture and you can cancel vertical dimitri into shadow rollerskates for a potential mixup? Horizontal dimitri doesnt cancel into shadow rollerskates obviously.

You can also build a bar of surge from a grab by button -->Dark reckoning --> button–> Fireball.
In general from an empty bar you need to do 6 hits to get a surge pip. The combo above does 6 hits from grab’s two hits.

Surge footdive is safe on block but its -1 means your offense is over. Your only option is blocking afterwards. Still better than eating a combo though.

All of his buttons can be cancelled into surge or special, cancelling his heavies into a surge makes them safe. Specifically surge fireball makes your buttons safe.

Surge cant make dimitri safe. I tried. it wont come out.

After using shadow fireball to make your blocked dimitris safe your only button is light. Or you can go for a shadow rollerskates if you want to gamble both bars of meter. But after rollerskates you’re blocking if you didnt get it. Blocked shadowfireball into shadow footdive is a bad idea. Dont do it. You cant get away with murder. He does not have a high-low shadowbar mixup.

btw whats shago’s teleport’s frame data? I cant find it anywhere.

Also from Infil’s guide theirs a blocking option select that lets you block shago’s mixups. How does that work? whats the input? Whats our way around it?

edit: looking back it seems like this is old stuff ive stumbled upon. Does anyone know how to combo after Shago’s lvl 4 battery ender in the middle of the screen?

making a new post because this is completely different from the above.


Gate keeper is Fwd + HK. If you try to cancel it into fireball which is QCFwd +P, youll get DP.
The most consistent way Ive found cancelling gate keeper into fireball is do a 360 counterclockwise rotation from the fwd position.

Also if youre moving forward and want to do a fireball, you might also get DP.
The motion I use for this is Half-circleFwd +p.

This should be universal to any character with a DP and fireball motion. (Jago, Fulgore)

Shago Fwd. Dash: 36 (also totally invincible from 11 to 24),
Shago Backdash: 41 (also totally invincible from 13 to 23)

(pardon the difference in slang)

In order to reliably combo from Lv4 Battery Ender, Shago needs meter available (at least 1S, ideally 1bar and 1S), and it is much easier (and beneficial) with INSX. Without INSX, I wouldn’t worry about comboing post-ender outside of the corner, as the timing is super tight and if you drop it, you’ve wasted time you could’ve used to set up your next offensive play. That said, try this:

INSX>Battery Ender>st.HK x Sg.FB x EX Divekick>

I didn’t catch if you mentioned it already, but Surges can be cancelled into EX moves. This gives us an incredibly reliable recap with Sg.FBxEX Divekick, and if they let the EX Dive through, you can go straight to ender, as that was their break-point. The best part is the INSX starter to the above sequence though, as INSX>Battery followups are discounted by our Tether. Feel free to use this combo opportunity to spend as much of your opponents meter as possible. Just be ready to counterbreak if they seem like they don’t wanna play along - lots of EX Linkers makes for lots of easy CB baits.

I’ve got a textual breakdown of how to set-up the GTFO Mixup (which is what I think of the stepkick mixup as). I’ll post that later though. It’s just an explanation of one of the above-posted videos.

Whats insx?

INSX = Instinct (or Instinct Cancel, depending on context).

Speaking of cancels, does lvl four dimitri have any special properties? Can u cancel it or continue off it besides surge dimitri followups?

That one I’ll have to experiment with. I’ve only actually used Damage Ender to close rounds thus far, and didn’t even think to try and juggle after it. I’ll have to mess around with it and get back to you.

also whats the recovery on shago’s teleport? im experimenting with teleport nothing and Im not sure what the timing is.

That one is a little tricky for me to answer, as I don’t have the equipment for frame-stepping, and if I did, testing to find the extent of the cancel window would be incredibly time-consuming.

However, we can apply the general rule for “backdash recovery” to both of his dashes for the sake of ease - which is, essentially, counting the frames between when the invincibility wears off to the last frame of the dash itself. Using this method, we get:

F.Dash Recovery: 12f
B.Dash Recovery: 18f

Though, those “recovery” frames may still be cancellable, which would make them not recovery frames… For as much as I know and study about frame-data, I am very much a “feel” player. Sorry if this wasn’t helpful.

no thats good enough. Basically his empty teleports have to be blocks. Empty teleport lets him back into neutral. Not sure what you can do with this though.

replying to my own post.

Empty teleport is bait.


New topic, crossups.

You can go for a traditional MK crossup, or you can go for a fake traditional MK crossup and do surge LIGHT footdive. Odds are they’re blocking the wrong way.

I just realized you can teleport footdive in the air. Myoptions have opened up like Princess Jasmine after her carpet ride with aladdin. Its a whole new world.
edit: ^NOPE.

currently experimenting with Dark Reckoning as a meaty option on wakeup.

More edits: Meaty gatekeeper is a no-go. Found some interesting frame data though. Shago’s meaty MK if blocked can be followed by lightpunch. Your lightpunch will come out ONE and ONLY one frame sooner than your opponent’s.

This might not seem important BUT this lightpunch tech SHOULD stuff jump attempts after blocking meaty, im not 100% sure since I cant use this on a live opponent. Something I thought Shago couldnt do because most characters would use a special. Very useful in the corner.

I think this is his BnB wakeup pressure “combo”. Meaty MK into LP. If it hits go into a combo. If your opponent blocks MK and LP you’re far enough where they cant do whiff punish you as long as you block.

Anyways, corner combos. You guys know Shago’s Grab → Button → Fireball → Shadow footdive combo primer?

Shago can Grab → Dimitri in the corner. THATS. AMAZING. The weakness of Grab → Button is your opponent can react and break. Grab → Dimitri means they HAVE TO GUESS. And You can cancel dimitri into Shadow Footdive if they lockout.

Or you can let Dimitri hit and generate almost enough meter for surge. Its a sliver away from a full surge meter but its as much as his grab → button → fireball bnb meter generator.

Heres Shago’s most efficient Surge meter generating grab combo. Do this if you lock an opponent out but dont have enough meter for footdive after a grab.

Grab → Button → Dark reckoning → Button → Fireball. (If you have enough, go for shadow footdive.)

Anyways, auto-doubles. You can go into a grab after a medium or light auto-double for a mixup…I think I stumbled on to something…This adds another layer to Around The Underworld.

Unless I missed the memo and people already know this, characters can cancel most of their auto-doubles into grabs. I tried this on TJ and Wulf and they both can do it.

I think theres something wrong with Shago’s fireball frame data.

L. Fireball is +21 on hit and +15 on block? Am I reading this right?
H. Fireball is +18/+15.
M. Fireball is -2/-7. Doing a crouch after each fireball it looks like this is the right framedata for all 3. H and L fireball dont combo anything on hit or on block. As far as I can tell these are his surge fireball frames Im getting for some reason.

Anyways the reason I was doing that was for footsies. Gatekeeper + fireball is NOT safe. EVER. I really wanted it to be safe. Ive even surged the fireball and Ive tried to cancel the recovery frames as fast as I can, no matter what, your opponent has one frame where they can react. If you gatekeeper, as soon as your opponent hears shago gargle out his catchphrase he or she can punish with anything projectile invincible. Gatekeeper is purely for dash teleport mixups.

Some safe footsies though: M/H ANYTHING can cancel into fireball safely. His L’s cannot. Dont buffer M/H button with ANYTHING. even on block his specials will come out. Thats a death sentence. Not sure if you can do stupid stuff with buffering though.

EDIT: Footsies. his M/H Button --> Fireball pressure can be cancelled into Shadow footdive or shadow rollerskates on hit. I found the first piece of his flowchart. You can also do a +1 LP after shadow rollerskates. It doesnt combo, but you have +1 frame advantage. good for stuffing grabs.

And with that Im going to bed.

whats Shago’s options after LP thats safe? Or in general?