Season 3 Practice/Dojo Modes

I check the general section of this forum all the time for any news about anything coming up but lately this is all I have been seeing. People crying about no ultimates, no stages for everyone, how Eyedol isn’t in the game yet. It starts to make my head hurt so much that I honestly don’t even want to go in that part of the forum anymore.

I feel like this is much more important and needed than more stages or any of that.

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I’m really glad you feel that way, and I really hope more people come to the same conclusion.

I’ve always been a big proponent of more training room options. I feel they could knock it out of the park here if they really wanted to.

But I guess it’s just not a “sexy” use of their money like other things are. Maybe it’s hard for the budget assigners to see the value in an amazing training room option suite, because it doesn’t help sell the game, really, and they’re already a small team with minimal budget and time.

If they decided to put it in the game, I would be super happy though, and I think it would have a much farther reaching effect than they think.

I totally get that - and I know you’re probably 2 steps ahead of me here, so please note that I’m just playing the ball back into the court here - but this would be an investment in helping the game continue to sell. They’re making damned good strides toward explosive growth, but this is all about longevity as well as increasing the entertainment value of existing streams and tournaments by giving players better tools with which to learn optimal play.

I agree that there is real value in adding it.

It will just be hard to convince CFOs of that, probably, because they don’t understand the reasons why this is important.

Lemme at 'em. :muscle:

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Heh. I like your enthusiasm. And I’m reasonably certain the devs have seen this thread - Adam is quite the forum monster, and Keits generally checks in on threads that are at least tangentially related to gameplay from what I’ve seen.

I get the feeling this might just be one of those things that finds itself knocked down on the priority list unfortunately, kind of like how certain bugs matter less than others. I know I was waiting with baited breath to see if Hisako could get a change to possession catching staggered enemies, but in the grand scheme of things that’s probably a fairly minor issue :confused:

Yeah. Perhaps in the end I am appealing more to the community today than to the devs. I really wish this were more of a topic, considering the volume of basic questions and salt over misunderstanding the game. You’d think this would be a logical progression.

Oh well - I’m content to shout at the wall until someone notices us :smiley:

I know this is the more appropriate forum to post this in but perhaps if it became a topic in the general category it would get more exposure?? Not sure how many people really check this part of the forum.

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Well - as much as I’d love to see this in general, I believe it to be appropriately categorized.

I should make an effort to link this to related threads though and drive a bit more traffic here. Might even help tidy things up a bit.

I totally support your struggle here. I just don’t have a lot of time right now to haunt the forums (I do my best). One of the best things about KI is that you can opt in for a relatively low price and get access to all the modes. So a fully featured, online enabled practice mode will provide a tool to get those casual players “hooked.” I know a lot of people are jumping on, playing a bit, winning a few rounds against low tier players and then hitting a wall of people just doing better than them. And giving them access to robust practice options can’t hurt player retention.

I have been playing fighting games for a LONG time, and although I’m certainly no pro, I do OK. Looking at frame data and even hitboxes is challenging. But working things out with a partner I can do a lot more.

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Thinking about it just from a QA perspective, an online practice mode should have been implemented a lot earlier. We know the practice options with AI are good, but there are things that cannot be tested effectively there. Giving your entire player base a better way to practice along with finding possibly key game-breaking issues seems like a no-brainer, especially for a fighting game. I really do hope its in the works for post-S3 or something.


Bump 4 Justice.

Definitely low priority - but I would LOVE to be able to select the KI3 themes in practice mode, rather than just the classic ones. No need for a backdrop. Some of those tunes are just hype AF and I want to jam them while I drill execution.


I’m enjoying your tweets on practicing for CEO. Not something I would do, but definitely something I would help out with…


Sorry I got stuck in caps lock there for a minute.

I am always surprised that more people will go to a thread about potential underwear colors for Eyedol than a truly substantive one like this. Oh well.


Sweet! Glad someone’s enjoying the ride. The last few weeks have been all about execution, because Correct Read + Wrong Button = No Soup for Sako!

I’ve been able to make my time in practice mode effective, but I’ve had to use less than optimal methods and workarounds for certain scenarios that are covered by the OP.

Can’t reiterate enough how valuable this would be for a growing community. I’d regularly run Hisako Dojo days with new/curious Hisakos.

After watching my wife okay through the first 16 dojo missions I really think this game can benefit from character specific dojo modes. Even if they roll them out one at a time, these characters play so different that even with knowing the basics you still need a little more push to understand them.


Random thought, but wouldn’t it be cool it if the “New Mutiplayer Mode” from the trailer was an online Practice Mode? That’s technically multiplayer isn’t it? :open_mouth:

Just a (probably wrong) thought. But I was just sitting and wondering what the new MP mode could be - they’ve shot down the idea of taking Shadow Lords buffs into a versus environment (that’s what it seemed to me anyway), and the team has always said that tag-team modes have serious logistical hurdles to them. Do we think online practice is serious enough to be touted in the trailer like that? I kind of guess that they’d just say “Online Practice Mode Coming!” if that was the case to manage expectations, but I’m no marketing guy.

Anyway, just a random thought that popped into my head. A man can dream :slight_smile:


dang a online training would be so great and all the changes to be able to function the AI to do reversal on wakeup/block would be superb


Bumping this thread, online training mode is the only major feature I miss in KI.
I don’t have much else to add, but I did talk about this feature on the Community Survey, I hope that helps :slight_smile:


So I took the community survey and wrote a short essay on the boon an improved suite of Lab options would be to the game, from a casual perspective, a hardcore/content creator perspective, and a competitive perspective. I don’t actually expect the team to read EVERY SINGLE ESSAY we conclude our surveys with (cuz I’m sure a lot of us had a lot to say about a lot of stuff), but I hope someone reads all the pro-Lab essays (because I’m banking on the idea that a bunch of us wrote very similar essays).


Honestly, I would be happy to trade 2-3 possible roster slots for Lab improvements (operating on the hopes that the survey was related to a S4).

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