Scorpion KI Design

Yeah. Something like that. Something more than just copy-paste from Mortal Kombat. Which would be next to impossible in KI anyway.

Which was intentional, as the design was made specifically for that purpose.

Which I actually think is awesome! Not that I like Arbiter, or Halo at all for that matter, but the fact they didnā€™t go with the obvious main character of the series is great, imo!

Though I donā€™t like guest characters, Iā€™d rather this happened more often when a developer chooses to put one in their game.

I, for one, would much rather have a character like Mileena as a guest character. She is also considered one of the main stars of Mortal Kombat, especially in MKX, so that would be a better choice to be in KI, imo. Not to mention, I absolutely love her Kahnum costume.

I know, thatā€™s not what I meant. What I meant is that the main element of fire is already presented in the game through Cinder. And Scorpion would be rather intrusive on that, as that is his main element as well.

she also died in a way that gave me nightmares for weeks.

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Iā€™d really like to see an angled spear in the game, too. The only time you saw it was in Armageddon in his throw and in MKX during his X-ray. Recapture spear?

Also, what would his combo trait be?

combo trait would be some sort of temporary bleed mechanic. Netherrealm uses it in their mobile games all the time. It would be tied to his sword attacks and do temporary and sustained potential damage.

Well, I see your point, but thatā€™s not a problem for other characters here.

Aria, Fulgore, Kilgore = Robots

Two characters which uses fire doesnā€™t seem too much for me if they use it differently.

Also, I would choose Goro over anyone else as MK guest

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I would accept any other character from MK, but I choose Scorpion because he is my third/fourth favorite Mk character and is the series mascot. If I were going with my favorites i would go with Sub-Zero over Scorpion, Sektor over Sub-Zero, and if he counts Jason Voorhees/Sektor.

Goro would also be a good alternative. Both he and Mileena are more monstrous characters. Baraka could also work, indeed.

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Iā€™ll take Goro and/or Baraka over Scorpion any day.

From a gameplay perspective, I think Scorpion is kind of boring.



This would be cool

I do not want any non Microsoft ips as guests because they will eventually be removed from sale, however if we do get scorpion for some reason it should be Kev Baylis designing his costume and his retro be his classic look.

I still think guests are fine but non Microsoft ip guests are something I do not want

I donā€™t have a specific reason for pulling this out, but it struck me. Like poetry.

Someone suggested Scorpion as a real scorpion or some kind of monster. I actually kind of like that ideaā€¦

If they want to add a human character that plays kind of like Scorpion I would love to see them unabashedly just rip off MK, without having a guest, kind of like KI did with Jago back in the day.

Sure it was a clever guy, yupā€¦


@Incubuslord I see what ya mean, I just wish people would stop saying that Reptile isnā€™t a ninja as an excuse to want a green sub-zero that spits acid again.

I would love him to be in KI. Canā€™t tell you how much. I still have hope, however I highly doubt it, KI vs MK



Butā€¦ Reptile isnā€™t a ninja. Heā€™s an Outworld assassin.

still tired of people using it as an excuse to want a GREEN sub-zero

I donā€™t get what you mean by thatā€¦