Rise of the Tomb Raider

It seemed gratuitous to me, but since it’s an m rated game full of gore and bloodshed I can forgive them. I saved Wyatt so (implied) Jimmy Hendrix is part of the resistance - they could have at least asked him to play them some cover music…

In the context of the overall story it’s probably less gratuitous than I originally felt it was. But yeah, I was surprised. I’m not playing RoTTR in front of my kids either, but I’m expecting better from Lara.

Rise is playable in front of kids… only a few of the kills can be bad for kids…but my kids watched almost the entire game. there isnt anything bad in the game…except for a few curse words here and there.
which i wish they would leave out… It doesnt bother me, but I wonder why its even needed

Ok…so I highly recommend you get The Sparrow Hawk Costume on the add on’s before you start. It was originally only available by pre order but they just released all the preorder costume packs yesterday for 3$ each.

Sparrow Hawk comes with the best BOW in the game “the white widow” and the Sparrow Hawk outfit allows you to hunt more efficiently as the non predator animals do not run away while wearing the sparrow hawk outfit. this helps when crafting weapons, and holsters.

there are 4 other pre order packs…I cant speak for them…but trust me…you want the Sparrow hawk and its only 3$…its so worth it!
You have to trust me on this!

Lol. Maybe I will pick it up since I got the game on sale. Normally I just ignore that stuff - even though I’m not in principle opposed to DLC or micro transactions, I iust don’t feel like I need it.

IM going to buy the other 4 to complete my game and start over on the hardest difficulty. Should be entertaining. RISE has I very high replay value IMO. Im going to give it a little more time so I forget most of the game… but Im excited to run through it again

I think the weapon crafting from trees, animal parts and salvage is very cool…its my favorite new addition to the game

I will be interested to see if I have a different view. I am not in any way a completionists, so listening to you all talk about your 96% completion makes me wonder a bit. I will let you know.

Im only that way with things I really care about, like KI, Michael Myers, my favorite bands ect… didnt think I would care about Tomb Raider…but man it got me… its that good.

Im excited to hear what you think as well. I know you will have an honest assessment of the game with a good perspective.

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Seeing as other games are being discussed here, I was wondering. Anyone here play elite dangerous or starpoint gemini 2?

I’m interested in trying a new genre, and the space shooter/exploration style these games seem to have looks interesting, but I would like some more insight, so if anyone here plays or has played them, are they worth it?

I tried the Elite Dangerous trial version, but it doesn’t let you do much. I didn’t want to invest to figure out if I really liked the game or not. I tend to find I like the IDEA of space simulations a lot but it always ends up with you flying between point a and b too much then turning in a circle for two minutes trying to aim at an enemy before he kills you.

Thats what I’m afraid of too…
I dont mind doing some tactical stuff in menu’s, or managing cargo/inventory/ships/character trees, etc, but when it comes to actually being in the gameworld I need to get in on the action…

The game has a pretty good reputation though, so thats why I’m looking for more insight.

I do find tat the ‘simpler’ games are more up my alley at the moment. Just came off of a long witcher 3 run and jumped straight into fallout. Which I love, but am a bit burned out on. Thays why I love Killer Instinct so much, I’m not that good, although I have decent fighter game experience, but its a game I can jump into any day for a bit if I want too and have a good time. Thats why I enjoy the fable legends beta, plague inc, ark, minecraft games so much at the moment, dive in and no pressure to finish.

Was hoping to add a nice spaceshooter to the mix, but I’ll hold off for a bit till I’m convinced.

Man, I signed up for the Fable Legends beta like nine times but didn’t get in. I’m really intrigued by asynchronous multiplayer. How is it?

Ark is what I play while riding the exercise bike. It’s like Minecraft with dinosaurs. Do you play on a public server?

I play on server 81 in Ark.
Only level 7 so far, been jumping around games a bit at the moment and most of my time has been spend on KI at the moment. Been dying far too much to my liking in the beginning of Ark, also when its dark, its difficult to start out, since I cant find anything, so I’m slowly levelling up in slow spurts. Hard to find ppl to play with thougg, would be more interestjng to play in a tribe I would imagine.

And I really like fable, and seeing things getting added every month or so when a new update is released is nice, my first real game in development I’ve been a part of.
The games looks beautiful and it plays very fluid. Cant really say much more about it since I’m under NDA, though, but as long as you’re not expecting fable 4 you could have a great time with it if you like it for what it is.

Thanks, that’s good to know. If it was fable 4 I wouldn’t care about it at all. I never got into the series. But the gameplay for this interests me. I’ve never really understood the use of criticizing a game for what it’s not. That would be like criticizing KI for not being Wario Ware…

Indeed, nobody was mad when they made the first mario kart, or mario tennis, mario party, etc…but fable gets a lot of backlash for it, it seems…

Fable to me is the quirky English humor, the dreamy fantasy setting, etc…
If they would make a fable fighting game with different heroes, balverines, jack of knives and other characters in levels like the colloseum, I might actually try it out, could be amazing.

And how about a killer instinct kart :wink: just kidding off course.

Given my liking for the super weird, I actually think this would be pretty funny

Back on topic (which is no big deal for an off-topic thread I suppose…), I have only had a couple of hours to play @FallofSeraphs76 but I’m at 8% completion.

So far, I’m really impressed. If you pull out each element of the game and individually analyze it (graphics, gameplay, story) you can probably find things to complain about. But the whole is greater than the sum of its parts and the whole package together actually reminds me of playing games back in the days where there was still a sense of wonder. I’m hoping that doesn’t wear off. Presently I’m “back” in Siberia trying to figure out how to kill the bear. I can’t wait to get back to it.

So, with that as the context, I will point out that the plot is a bit weak. I admit I haven’t followed all the details and I find it a bit confusing, but it boils down to something pretty generic. It feels like you were dropped into the story in the middle (which you were) and everything is a bit jumbled - but not in an awesome and intriguing “Memento” sort of way. Just in a messy “wtf just happened?” Sort of way. Even so, this is a long way from the “Lara is in a tomb. See if you can find the exit” plot of the original.

The graphics are amazingly good. Just amazing. The level of detail in Lara’s model is astonishing. All the different texture and bump mapping effects on her clothes, tools etc. the level of detail on the skin textures and the damage (scratches etc) is unbelievable. The different effects like the interaction with water and the multiple different ways Lara gets dirty and bruised throughout a level are all handled with ridiculous detail. The way objects move in the water etc. It’s crazy. Anyone who doesn’t think “next gen” is here is a nut. There have been several times already when j have said “damn, look at that…” Sometimes for the big set pieces but even for just little throwaway transitions where the level of detail is high. Also, as an aside, all the “bring back Orchid’s thong!” People should take note. Lara does not look like the girl next door by any means, but she is far from the comic book proportions we get in video games on a regular basis, doesn’t have her cleavage hanging out or a lot of skin showing in general. But if there has ever been a digital character with more real sex appeal than this I haven’t seen it. The biggest flaw I can find in the graphics is that the other models are a step down from Lara and it’s noticeable because she’s so perfect. That and the fact that the level of realism is so high that you notice things like that her heavy breathing dialog is not matched by heavy breathing in the character model. If they start to fix that stuff we will be climbing up the other side of the uncanny valley.

I’m not far enough through to judge the gameplay completely. The first few sequences are (understandably) very cinematic. Walk two feet - cutscene. Jump across a ledge - cutscene in mid air. I found that a little jarring. Now that the game is starting to settle down a bit and I’ve gone through the first simple exploration puzzles though I’m really enjoying it. I’m trying to play without using her “instinct”/batman detective mode. I think this hurt my enjoyment of the last game somewhat and I’m not really in such a hurry to plow through the game. So far, at least, it’s enjoyable to wander through the environments looking for that ledge instead of just doing a 360 looking for the glowing spot.

Any way, I will keep you updated as I go through. Right now I can honestly say my biggest regret is not picking it up on day one and paying full price. If a PS4 release gets more people to play this I’m all for it. This is the kind of solo, single player, AAA game I want developers to make.

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I read a few reviews saying how all comes together at the end. One of the few times I agreed. It really takes until the end for all of it to make sense and I found it worth the playthrough…

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Strange…I didn’t get a notification for this reply.

So…that’s awesome man…glad you like it! You still haven’t gotten far enough to let the story unfold… I think you are still in the mist of a few time jumps…its goes back n forth for a minute.

And I couldn’t agree with you more on the Sex appeal of Lara compared to SFV looking characters. Most of the game Im thinking “damn Lara is hot” …LOL. Walk her into some fire and blacken the screen…LOL…its funny.
Did you get the Sparrow Hawk skin? If your going to play on Survivor difficulty your gonna need it!

Im really excited to replay this game and I never replay games that are not fighting games or racing games.




Wow, a meme in 30 seconds or less… That’s impressive

I figured I’d play it “straight” the first time through and then go back and buy the better equipment if I want to go through on harder difficulty.

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LOL Was it a meme? I just agreed. :grin: