I freaking love reptiles! they’re in my opinion, the most interesting group of animals compared the popular cat or dog even though mammals in their own right are fascinating to.
I have to say @KIFANATIC8488 that, while frogs are ectothermic like modern reptiles, they’re more related to fish then Reptiles. Birds, of anything have more in common with reptiles then any other. One can even argue birds being reptiles or at least in the archosauran class of reptiles. That sounds really odd but I think until more is done that remains to be seen, but they have a ton of things in common with the like of crocs and gators and dinosaurs.
When I came across that, I have to say the idea of feathered dinos sounds less ridiculous to me as it use to (even though I’ll always prefer less feathery fictional dinos, but now with awesome quill like spikes!) that’s a topic for another day.
Both our modern, ectothermic reptiles and birds, and dinosaurs evolved from a class of diapsed retpiles, where as the mammals evolved from the synapsid reptiles which would give rise to the fuzzy critters that now inherit much of the landscape.
I recently learned that there are some reptiles (specifically monitors) which have a thing called “unidirectional breathing” which is commonly found in birds, crocodiles, gators and likely therapod dinosaurs.
My favorite reptiles:
Lizards: Komodo Dragon (bad-ass big lizards)
Snakes: Pit vipers are some of my favorites, while visually they appear fierce and scary some of them are pretty docile like copper-heads which it’s VERY hard to get them to bite you. Thena again why would you? so long as you respect their space like every other creature you’re good.
From this class:
Diamodback Rattle-Snakes ( they’re around here in Oklahoma, I have to admit, I hate the fact that we have the occasional rattlesnake roundup every few years…not a fun thing to think about)
Gaboon Vipers (fat/muscular) they look like cute pudgy snakes.
Titanaboa and Reticulated pythons.
Alligator Snapping Turtles (they look pretty awesome but I would respect their space if I were you.
Tyrannosaurus Rex, Allosaurus, Acrocanthosaurus etc.